Monday, April 9, 2018

[R18] Enemy Coupling

Enemy Coupling

Warnings: Aside from the teacherxstudent pairing, none.

About: In an alternate world where a human-animal hybrid called Mix-Type is the norm, three couples defy all odds of having a relationship with one another despite one being the natural predator of the other. Currently there are two seasons for this series.

Nekoma Rin (CV: Sawa Manaka)
A mix type of cat, Rin can be described as mischievous and free spirited. Like a cat, he likes fish and prefer to shower than to dip himself into the bathtub. His girlfriend, a mix type of a mouse whom he affectionately called Nezuko, is two years older than himself. She is a smart and studious student who also works part time at a restaurant as a waitress. Nezuko is also very timid and gets scared very easily. Because of her instinct as a natural prey to a cat, she was having problem in trying to not be scared of Rin, especially when he always teased saying he will 'eat her up'. In the first season, Rin comes to a breaking point when her getting scared of him starts to tick him off, and he gets angry at her, saying that it hurts him seeing her like that. Nezuko cried when she heard this and ran away from him for a while before he found her again. He apologized, saying he didn't notice that it's not just him having a hard time with the relationship: she was trying her best to deal with her emotions just for the sake of them as a couple.

In the second season, we went back to the time when they first started dating half a year ago. It only had been a few weeks and Rin was trying his best to be the good boyfriend and try not to tease the MC more than he should. They decided to go catch a movie together one day but Rin, in his excitement, bought the ticket for a much later screening than he planned. As they were thinking on how to kill the time beforehand, a car splashed some dirty puddle onto his back. MC suggested that they return to her home for him to clean up. In the mean time, she gave him her present to celebrate their one month together; a doll of a mouse with ribbons and bells, recommended by her other human-cat friends. Unknown to her, there was silvervine scent in the doll too. It made Rin slightly drunk and it escalated to them having sex the first time. This was also the first time Rin gave the nickname Nezuko to the MC. The last track brought us back to the present time where they moved into one house and looking forward for more fond times together.

Usa Yuzuki (CV: Murano Sumito)
Yuzuki is a mix type of rabbit, and he was dating his classmate, the mix type of a fox. Yuzuki is also very spoiled and likes hugs and being petted on the head. Because of this, he behaved like a child most of the times, though he has the intention to become more adult-like. Their relationship appeared to be rejected by the girlfriend's family since they are natural enemies of one another. His girlfriend is also a miko of a nearby shrine that was cared by her family. She would take many day off from school because of this and Yuzuki would always comes by after school to give her the day's notes so she wouldn't be left behind in lessons. The first season ends with his realization that the girlfriend's grandmother was not always staring at him because he sees him as a prey, but actually was consumed with a desire to pet him. 

In the second season, it was when they first gotten together. One day, the MC was visiting his home, Yuzuki could not control his desire while being alone with her and started to heavily make out in the living room. He stopped halfway when MC said she's not ready for it. To pass the time then, he asked her to return some books to the library and that was when MC saw his room which looked like he was in the process of moving out. She ran away because she thought he was leaving without telling her. Yuzuki approached her again the next day and explained that he was not going away, but instead moving to another place that's nearer to her shrine, and that he apologized for not telling her sooner. They reconciled and had their first intimacy together in his new home. The last track was back at present time where he asked her to live together with him, and will keep on asking until she agrees.

Oogami Makoto (CV: Higeuchi Waruta)
A mix type of wolf who is a teacher, and the MC, a sheep, as the student. I'm skipping this volume, sorry.

Final say: I can turn a blind eye to many 'problematic' themes but a teacher-student type of sexual relationship is my Ultimate Taboo. This is just a personal preference of mine so I'm really sorry but I have to skip Makoto's side. The other two guys' stories are pretty pleasant. I enjoyed them talking to one another to solve the problem they have in front of them. Sawa in this series is one of my personal favorite of all his roles. Whenever he does cat-like characters I'm almost always died right after.

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