Friday, March 23, 2018

[R18] Tadaima Ren'aichuu

Tadaima Ren'aichuu 
[Currently In Love]

Warnings: 'noisy' boy being very noisy lol

About: We follow the progression of two lovers from their first date in university, through their working age, then later finally married to one another. 

Trivia: There is another volume afterwards, with featured appearance of Tetrapot Noboru. I haven't listened to that one yet, sadly. I'll update this post after I do.

CV: Sakurai Masato

First Kiss
We started with the two of them in the same university. Hisayuki is very noisy, a bit tsun but gets deredere a lot as well. Their relationship started out very awkward as Hisayuki couldn't be honest with his feelings and doubt if he's doing well with the boyfriend job. He had to ask the MC if they really are a couple or not a few times, just to convince himself. There is a scene where he had to go buy condom for the first time and got really flustered and annoyed there's too many types to choose from. He ended up buying the mentholated one and regretted it later when it made his junk cool. Their attempt to have sex for the first time was very hilariously realistic. Instead of the usual virgins ~magically~ being great at it on the first go, Hisayuki struggled hard because of his nerve. First, he couldn't find the hole. Then, he came within a minute. Later, his buddy wouldn't cooperate. MC did try to help to offer oral but he refused because of the mentholated condom would make her mouth feel weird. This volume ended with them agreeing not to push things too fast and just let everything happens naturally. The tokuten is a voice commentary from Hisayuki of his embarrassing attempts.

Second Kiss
Hisayuki and the girlfriend is now at working age. Good news is they can finally have the sex normally and no longer struggling. Bad news is, dude gets a hard on almost all the time he gets near the girlfriend and it made me wonder how the hell the MC puts up with it. Fortunately, she cooperated every single time. Hisayuki obviously very grateful to have such a kind and understanding girlfriend. He asked her to live together instead of just coming over for the weekends. This volume ends with Hisayuki asked the girlfriend to the same place where they had their first real date together. He proposed then and gave her a ring... that unfortunately a size too small for her. Things are never easy for him.    

Eternal Kiss
The couple finally married and spending their honeymoon nights together abroad in another country. Hisayuki is still as silly, being glad that he could finally have the sex without condom. Things are finally going his way. Unfortunately, on the last night, of all the nights, his musuko decided that was THE night to not cooperate, right when the good part has started. He blamed himself for drinking too much earlier before. At the end of the story, they're back to the same place where they first kissed and where he proposed, reminiscing their stories together.

Final say: "HOHOHOLY SHIT!" is what I yelled when I first listened to this series. I had never paid any attention to Sakurai before, and he instantly became one of my favorite ever since. I never thought I like this type of noisy boy, but I sure definitely do now. This one is a refreshing change from the usual drama of most R18 series. Instead of giving us many characters, this one just give us one guy and expand his stories. The details of the scenes are exactly what you expect would happen to someone in reality like awkward first attempt to be intimate, first time buying protection, having the ring you're gonna propose with not the right size... they're just so believable and relatable (not to me though lol). I'd say this is one of the most entertaining title ever. I love the comedy, I love the character, and I certainly love their story. I can't wait for the new volume that featured Tetrapot Noboru as guest character.

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