Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Kindan Vampire

Kindan Vampire 
[Forbidden Vampire]

Warnings: very obviously there will be a blood sucking scene.

About: This series tells a story about the men of the von Weiseheldenburg family, whom were all secretly vampires and immortal. Their stories are quite varied from one to another.

Trivia: In the first two volumes, the vampires will whisper you a "magic word of another country" before beginning his story. The words? "Please listen to this with an earphone or headphone, not with a speaker." I suppose this was released back when dummy mic was a new thing that they need to remind people about it? lol

Trivia 2: There's a song at the end of every volumes which even I, someone who almost never listens to male vocalists, finds them very very VERY good.

Vol.1 Maximilian, the King of the Red rose (CV: Morikubo Shoutaro)
I have to admit, maybe because I personally cannot fully appreciate Morikubo's voice, I found this volume very hard to go through. I do not understand the majority of the elaborated story he was telling, but it has something to do with him being a traveler, getting involved in the war, before finally secluded himself in his castle, living in complete isolation for decades. I did not managed to catch the details of where the MC came from either, but she empathized with his suffering while falling in love with him in the end. Maximilian kept trying to change her mind; saying he is a monster and not a good person, yet MC insists to be made a vampire through the kiss of vow and had her blood sucked. As new immortal she lived with him, and spending their quiet lives together in the castle.

Vol.2 Mateus, the Prince of the White rose (CV: Shimono Hiro)
MC was a selling flowers to support herself when Mateus came to her and bought all her flowers. Wondering what possibly could he do with all those flowers, he took her to his mansion and said he would decorate every room with them. He gave her a ring which was later explained to have magical power to lead him to her. Mateus met her again as she was stargazing near her house. After a while, he asked her to come back to his mansion to which she agrees. He told her of his long story of his history that involved wars, then later reached the part where he met a little orphan girl selling flowers to feed herself. He felt sorry for the girl's circumstances but he had to leave her without helping her with her troubles and returned to his seclusion. The orphan girl turned out to be the MC herself, however Mateus confessed that his vampire instinct made him wanted to ravaged her and drink her blood dry. No matter how much he told her to get away from him, MC still chose to stay. Mateus attacked her until she collapsed, not moving anymore in his arms, feared that he had killed her. When she didn't die, he remembered the rumors that if he drank someone's blood and kiss them in a vow, they would turn into a vampire as well. Later he confessed his love for the MC and they spend their lives in the mansion together.

Vol.3 Rudolf, the Knight of the Blue rose (CV: Yasumoto Hiroki)
Rudolf, a German, met an injured French girl and took her in to treat her. At first, he couldn't trust her due to them coming from opposite sides of the current war, especially with him being a soldier, he suspects the girl to be a spy. Regardless, he took her in and tried to treat the injured leg. MC told her that she has lost everything of hers and now was on a run to somewhere, anywhere she could be safe. Rudolf took pity of her plight and cared for her for the next few days. His feelings eventually unfolds into romance and it was mutual. The girl unfortunately never recovered from her injury and even had a high fever that never calms. It's very obvious to him that she would soon die. It was then that Rudolf revealed that he was in fact a vampire and the only possible way to save her was to kiss her in a vow and drink her blood and turn her into one too. He hesitated to do it however, mulling over that being a vampire would not allow her to return to be a human anymore. Eventually, with the insistence from the MC, he made her into a vampire and promised to take care of her forever.

Vol.4 Friedrich, the Criminal of the Yellow rose (CV: Tachibana Shinnosuke)
MC was assaulted in the dark streets by several men one night before a being saved by Friedrich with his magic. Unfortunately Friedrich didn't save her just for being kind. He blackmailed her to either come with him to his mansion or he would let the assaulter kills her. She chose to go with him and was made one of his 'collection' and kept her locked-in and chained. Friedrich was revealed to be a famous ballet dancer instructor and said to have trained the senior ballerina whom MC aspire. He gave her some lessons during her time under his possession and she was showing good improvement. MC begged for one wish to go outside just once since she was kept in a room with no windows and Friedrich granted her wish, knowing full well she will escape. Without his knowledge, she was taking the chance to auditioned for a ballet academy. In the following morning, MC woke up covered in terrible injury all over her body with Friedrich beside her, telling her that there had been an accident of her carriage, on her way trying to come back to his castle. He had mentioned earlier that he had various defensive magic placed all over the mansion to keep anyone from coming near, hence why he didn't expect her to return at all. After telling her that her leg injury will no longer allow her to dance anymore, MC was devastated, saying if she cannot dance for him, she would rather die. She attempted to kill herself with a shard of broken glass later and Friedrich was very consumed with guilt. He told her the truth that he had fallen in love with her way before they met in the streets, and that this is not how he wanted their relationship to end. With her dying in his arms, he asked to make her into a vampire. She agreed and woke up the next day with her injuries all healed up. They then lived together in the mansion as lovers.

Vol.5 Oskar, The Sage of the Purple rose (CV: Kuroda Takaya)
Oskar met the MC in a church and one day he asked her what would trouble her so much that she came and prayed every single day. The MC said because she was suffering from intense pain all over her body because of an illness, and praying for god to heal her. Oskar later asked her to come to his mansion, the Purple Rose's mansion, where he sometimes took in similarly ill patients and heal them with his knowledge of herbs and medicine. He also told her that he is a vampire and the little magic he posses allowed him to make his medicine more potent than usual. After a few session, he managed to make her pain a little less suffering but he could not heal her illness, and that her death is inevitable. MC accepted her fate and thanked Oskar for giving her a hope to live a little longer. Oskar, however, could not understand why she would choose to accept her death so easily. He told her of one last method to let her live, and that is to make her into a vampire. He confessed had fallen in love with her and that the only reason he wanted to save her no matter what was his selfish reason to not being left alone anymore (related to his backstory which I could not understand much of them to make a summary), hence he didn't want to convert her at first. MC accepted his feelings and agreed to be made a vampire. They got married in the same church they first met before and later lived their lives together.

Vol.6 Alexander, The Emperor of the Black rose (CV: Tsuda Kenjiro) 
MC was caught in a middle of a shooting and was saved by a man who took her to a mansion with a room that was hidden by magic. He gave his name, Alexander, and then pointed out that he and the MC are the same; they are both vampires, however the MC was never explained by her father as to the extent of the abilities she could do. Alexander showed her how to use her own magic by combining his and this helped to heal her wounds. He later explained that the people who were hunting (I'm not very sure but I think he said the opponent to be from "the church") them was using silver bullets, to which could do serious damage to a vampire. Alexander then revealed that he is actually the twin brother of MC's grandfather (grand-uncle?) and that he swore to protect his brother's descendants. He also pointed out that all the von Weiseheldenburg family will give birth to only sons so MC's existence is alike a miracle and very special. The enemy finally broke into the mansion and they had to leave from the secret escape way, before being ambushed. Alexander covered the MC from the fire and was shot in the chest. In his dying breath he ordered her to leave now but she wanted to stay and try to be his 'promised one' (related to his back story), and that she didn't want to leave him alone. She offered her love and her blood and they fortunately healed his wound. In the epilogue they were traveling to a foreign country together, observing the different cultures, but still very much together.

Final say: I did not expect much from this series when I first listen to them, most probably because then, I know none of the voice actors here. Only after my second attempt to listen to them that I did saw what great stories they were. The vampires would actually talk a great deal about the history of the von Weiseheldenburg family and their own background, however unfortunately my current Japanese skill is not good enough to completely understand them. Just maybe 1/3 of the whole story but not enough for me to summarize. Because of this, I do not know how all these men relate to one another, or if they mentioned it at all. I'm guessing they are descendants to the previous volumes? Despite my limited understanding of the story, I highly recommends this series.

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