Monday, June 18, 2018

[R18] Villain


Warning: Non-consensual/rape scenes in most volumes.

About: As you might guess from the title, stories about MC and some villainous guys.

The tale of Pirates (CV: Hayakawa Rinta)
MC, who lived on an island, one day found a man lying unconscious on the beach with a small boat nearby. She took him to her place - a cavern on the seaside - and nursed him back to health. When the man woke up, he thanked her and said soon his friends will arrive at the island and he will then leave. MC was horrified when he showed her one day to the horizon and saw a huge ship carrying the pirate flag. Caran Drake is the pirates' own captain and he and his men is here to raid her small island community! At first Caran seemed to want to spare MC for saving him before, but later he knows the island hides a priceless jewel under the care of the island priestess, and the priestess turned out to be MC herself. She insists there's nothing of such described jewel is on the island but Caran never listened to her. He took her to his ship and raped her many times to make her cough out where it was but she kept her mouth shut. She then mentioned that some merchant(?) naval group will be coming to save her (as agreement with them or something IDK), but Caran told her they don't care about her or her little island; they will kill her as soon as they know where the sought after jewel is. I'm not really sure what happened next but MC got a change of heart (probably from Stockholm syndrome?), and aided Caran when he was attacked by the merchant navalry she mentioned before. She showed him where the jewel is hidden and wanted for him to take it away, so that no one else will come to raid her island again. Caran instead said the jewel will stay where it was, and in exchange he and his crew will protect the island.

In the Another Epilogue, MC threatened to kill herself and will take the location of the jewel to her grave. Caran reminded her by telling her that that will not stop him, or anyone else, from raiding the island and burn everything to the ground until they found it. He instead proposed her to come onto his ship as a sex slave and he will spare the island. I have no idea why she accepted that proposal, but she did, and there's a nipple piercing play there, as well as chains and other BDSM related things.

The case of Trickster (CV: Kuroi Hagane)
Mito Kaname is a new employee of a certain company. He is young and intelligent, and very much liked by everyone within the company. He took notice of MC and requested her to be his personal assistant. One night while MC thought she was alone doing overtime, she saw a light from the supposedly empty dark office of the president's. She peeked inside and saw Kaname was doing something to the computer. She tried to take a photo for evidence but he overpowered her and proceeded to rape her, took her explicit photos instead to blackmail her for her silence. This relationship goes on for a while, taking the daily lunch break to rape her. MC, in fact, didn't know much of the situation. All that's obvious to her is that Kaname is a spy, probably from her company's rival. He later told her a little bit about his background; he came from a poor family but has a knack for tech-related things. When he gets older, hacking was his way to support his family. He also made a simple game as a hobby that MC suggested he should work in those related companies instead. She made a comment that he didn't seem like a bad person, despite somehow completely forgotten that he raped her???? Some time afterwards, there is an incident that involved a speeding taxi that seemed to targeting them as they walked down the streets together. Soon after Kaname started to avoid her, but MC insisted on getting a reason why. A group of armed men suddenly arrived and took both of them to a secluded place. The men are from the group that supposed to have employed Kaname to hack MC's company. They accused of him withholding some vital information so they beat him to make him talk. Kaname later revealed that he hadn't been under their employment at all, but instead was working as a spy for the police. The police coming to their rescue proved that he was telling the truth. At the hospital, MC visited him and he told her everything. He explained that there was no reason for him to rape her that night, but because of something about how he brought up??? (I don't really understand his reasons, but still. I don't see how any reason is a forgivable reasons at all???).

In the Another Epilogue, he admitted to have withholding information to the men when they started to beat MC as well. Both he and MC was confined to a dark room for a long time which later I suppose, died there together.

The fantasy of Beast (CV: Hidari High-kick)
There is a village that ritual human sacrifice is still practiced to appease a demonic god. Once, the village was threatened by a terrible drought and has chosen MC to be the next human sacrifice. As she was left in the deep forest to be eaten by the demon god, a beast stood by her and it can speak like a human. The beast saw her injured foot and took her to an isolated hut very far into the forest where it said it lived. When MC couldn't stop being afraid of his beast form, he transformed into a large man instead. For the few days she lived there and took the role of taking care of the small house, MC learned a lot of her savior. One, he is not as violent as he seemed. And two, as he is a youkai of sort, he didn't really need to eat to sustain life, but he does enjoyed eating flowers because they're tasty. Which is kinda cute? Anyway. The Beast (he has a name but I can't read the kanji and it was never said in any of the tracks I think) explained that for hundreds of years people would do such a thing like sacrifices, prayers, and even dances to appease the gods, in order to have their wishes granted, but he said at least he himself could never grant anyone's wish. Of all the human sacrifices was made to his name he would take care for a while before letting them go to another village and most forgot about him as soon as they're free. MC started to have feelings for the Beast while he still wonders what is this emotion he has every time he thought of her. Either way, after a while, he decided to have her returned to her village. Her villagers, however, was not at all pleased seeing the drought didn't stop so they went on a hunt to kill her. The Beast protected her and was angry to the villagers, saying they should be thankful for MC for her willing to offer herself to save them. He ordered them to take her back and revered her as a Priestess serving under his name. However MC said that she didn't want to return because she wanted to stay with him. He asked her if she is willing to be his mate, and share his long youkai life together, and eventually have his family. She accepted and they lived their quiet lives in the little house in the forest.

In the Another Epilogue, the Beast did not accept her will to be his mate and left her to her village. She became the priestess as he wanted, but for years to come, she would try to find him again in the forest to no avail. Only in voice, he told her to stop finding him, and that he will continue to protect her for as long as she lived.

The story of Killer (CV: Girigi Lee)
Renard and the MC lived in a poverty stricken part of town, after being raised in the same orphanage together. MC became something similar to a sister for a nearby church, while Renard, as far as she knows, does odd jobs here and there. Though life was hard for both of them, they were encouraged to make through it, the best they can. MC noticed recently Renard started to casually disregard any death so easily. She followed him one time and overheard him executing someone by the order of an old man that was his boss or something. MC tried to deny that her lover and her childhood friend has become so twisted until one day, she was assaulted in a room within the church by a masked person. Renard was coincidentally nearby and fought the assaulter off. He unmasked them and the assaulter turned out to be the church's own priest. Even though he had disarmed the priest of a knife he was waving around and MC stabbed him with it which badly injured him, Renard later shot him dead regardless the injured man can fight back at all. While in trauma, Renard decided to force himself on the MC as a way to make her forget about what just happened, in the very same room as the dead priest! MC was never the same since the incident. Renard took her to his place where she would live for a while. Renard shared with her his secret, that he is actually a hired gun and would kill anyone he was pointed to. His boss whom he called Old Man, had influenced him so much that he no longer sees a person's life as something special; everything and everyone is replaceable. 'Dispose' one person, another similar will take their place eventually. Renard was confused as to why MC no longer smiled like she used to all the time before, despite his various efforts to make her happy. One of his effort to make MC happy was to let a young boy with a sick mother to keep her company while he was gone. For once, MC was feeling better again and she taught the boy to read and write. But one day Renard said the boy had died, "disposed of" he said. He plainly said he'd find another replacement. Seeing her childhood friend this way saddened MC. Soon after, Renard got into an argument with the Old Man - he questioned the beliefs that he had been faithfully following all these times - that led to killing him. He hurriedly grabbed MC and took off. They got cornered eventually and after an intense gunfight, he managed to kill all his pursuers. Again, Renard started to question his belief, with MC agreeing he had changed because of it. He didn't want to accept that he was wrong at first, so he tried to kill her so her replacement will come along. But soon he realized he didn't want a replacement for MC or losing her at all; he wanted her, and only her. They left to start a new life together somewhere far away.

Final say: Don't ask me how much of a mental preparation I had to take just to listen to them because the answer will be SO MUCH. Though some of the stories were actually very satisfying. My favorite would be Girigi Lee's but I admit that scene of them sexing while a dead body is in the same room is pretty weird like what the heck is this fetish???? I really don't get the whole trope that 'sex the girl so much, she'd be on your side eventually'. I know this is porn logic, but really? "yeah I raped you, but I'm actually a Good Guy™!" oh shit really? my bad. welp we had the sex a lot by now I think I love you after all ????? UGH! This is why I always avoided non-fluff/vanilla. They always confused my little brain. The Beast volume is the most least problematic, btw, just so you know. And I am forever pissed that the Killer volume only had the Another Epilogue in booklet form and not in voiced tracks. What the hell, Hobigirls???

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