Tuesday, June 26, 2018

[R18] Switching?!


About: Four guys with a specific "switch" that if triggered by the MC, their personality and behavior will changed considerably compared to how they were normally.

Trivia: The fourth character, Subaru, was introduced in the 2nd season. 

Momoi Ayumu (CV: Amano Haru)
A first year university student, Ayumu is a very active and friendly guy, but can be a bit cheeky. MC was his tutor when back when he was in high school. They dated after he graduated and MC now works in certain company as an officer. His Switch is when he had his head patted by the MC, he would be childish and demanded more affections. They got into a misunderstanding when MC commented she could never talk to him about her work troubles due to their age difference. Ayumu also reminiscing about his old football team and MC somehow felt like she was the reason the team had to dissolve and effectively extinguished Ayumu's chance to pursue more on the sport. They separated that night and not talking to one another again for two weeks. When they finally met again, Ayumu told her he was in the process of moving out of his family's home to his own place and that he was not contacting her because of of the move. He also explained he never did planned to go pro with football, and that his team's dissolving was inevitable anyway. Ayumu then told her of the first time he realized he is weak when patted on the head. It was one day when he was younger in elementary school, crying alone at a park after his team lost a friendly match and blamed himself for it. An unknown older girl cheered him up and patted his head, which made him happy. The older girl later revealed to be MC herself. Their story ended with Ayumu asking her to live together with him.

Fujimura Kanade (CV: Yotsuya Cider)
A DJ for the local radio show, he is usually very soft spoken and gentle when doing his radio personality. MC is the assistant for his radio show and was his childhood friend, and also his girlfriend. Kanade grew up with MC but he eventually moved away after some years. He later came back to town and rented the apartment unit right next door to MC, which then lead to them to pick up where their relationship had left off and also made them a couple. His Switch is that when he saw the girlfriend's tears, he would be a bit of a bully to her, especially in bed. This includes tears that came when her eyes were irritated by the dust in the wind, and Kanade would actually demanded her to show him the tears and I suppose he gets off with it? He mentioned that he developed his Switch due to how easy it was for MC to cry as a kid. His story is that, which I don't really understand the details that led to it, but it resulted with his time as host to the radio show to end and would probably be replaced by another. There was an issue of him having a different personality as a host and as a normal person that he's worried about? I'm not really sure. In the end however, after positive feedback from his faithful listeners to not want him to be replaced, Kanade's boss told him to continue on with the show.

Sakurada Yuu (CV: Kashiwagi Homare)
Yuu is an owner of a cafe that usually is very composed and kind. He would take care all of his staff like he would as their older brother. He has a preference for sweets and would incorporate a lot of them in his cafe's menu. His cafe, Kazemachi, is situated near a university so most of his staff are part-timing students. MC is his girlfriend and who is also a student. They met one day while MC was sheltering from the rain right in front of the cafe and Yuu asked her to come in and eat his curry. Although they had been dating for half a year, MC mentioned that she never goes out to drink with Yuu, and he admit that was intentional. Whenever he drank, the normally positive and confident Yuu became quite the opposite. Because he didn't want to trouble anyone for his character change, he avoided social drinking altogether. Their story ended with Yuu asking for MC to marry him.

Umezono Subaru (CV: Hiruma Mahiru)
An orphan from very young, Subaru was raised by his grandparents who also owns and manages a public bath house called Ume no Yu. He has a talent and passion for art, even went to an art school, but chose to take over the family business instead. He believes that despite his passion, he is a 'son of a public baths', thus kept art only as a hobby on the side. His grandfather arranged an omiai one day without his agreement, but he met with MC anyway. They got along well with one another, he then affectionately calls her Yome-chan (Miss Bride). One day, Subaru's grandfather hurt his hips and needs to be hospitalized, MC volunteered to help Subaru around the bath house. Everything was going well with the two of them, until he triggered his Switch; when he smelled the fragrant bath salt on MC after she came out of the bath, the kind and cheerful Subaru became pushy, horny, and pretty rough with her during sex. He apologized the next morning for what he did but MC, fortunately, did not have any problem with it since she liked him anyway.

Final say: welp. It's from milkychain so of course I love the little stories of each of them dudes. I love all of them maybe a slight margin for Ayumu because... I really can't do teacher/tutor x student type of pairing, I'm really sorry. They still can creep me out, even when in present they are no more of that relationship, and the younger of the pair is at legal age at least. My favorite of all four might be Subaru. He's so levelheaded and realistic thinking, it's a joy to listen to his story. Too bad milkychain didn't give Subaru a second season. I'd love to hear more of him.

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