Thursday, March 12, 2020

Ken ga Kimi: Momoyo Tsuzuri Drama CD

剣が君 百夜綴りドラマCD
Ken ga Kimi Momoyo Tsuzuri Drama CD

About: Now safely back in Edo, Kayo spent her days with the nostalgic memories she had with the 6 samurais who had protected her while in her mission. One day, she happened to meet them again.

Trivia: This series is based on an otome game, Ken ga Kimi, specifically for the fandisk Momoyo Tsuzuri. Basically the story features a girl, Kayo, who was chosen to be a body double of a certain princess for a bridal procession from Edo to Sunpu. Six samurais were employed to become her bodyguard along the way, with every single of these men having their own personal reason for taking the task. This drama CD tells the story of what happened after the mission was finished and Kayo returned to Edo.

Spoiler warning, because it's hard to explain some parts without mentioning the men's secrets.

  • Kuroba Saneaki & Sagihara Sakyo (CV: Maeno Tomoaki & Hoshi Souichirou)
On a night of a certain festival going on in the city of Edo, Kayo reunited with Saneaki and Sakyo. Saneaki was there as he would occasionally does if he did not spend the majority of his time away in his isolated home in the outskirt of Edo, while Sakyo was on a personal mission to continue to hunt for Oni in his path of vengeance. Since them being together, the two men offered to escort her in the festival as they mentioned that there was a growing threat of young women and girls disappeared in the night. The three of them enjoyed seeing a street show of an exotic animals (which is a peacock, btw) and went together in a makeshift haunted house. When they stopped to rest before decided to send Kayo home, the two samurais couldn't find her anywhere. Only the obidome she bought earlier was on the ground as if dropped.

Saneaki and Sakyo got worried but still hoped that Kayo was just lost in the crowd for a while, but she never turned up even to the next morning. They asked for Suzukake to calm Kayo's frightened father and went to look for Kayo again. They come to the agreement that she might have been a victim to the kidnappers in the rumors, judging from the obidome she left behind since it was kept very securely and would not be dropped unless she intended it to as a signal. Wasting no time, they looked for clues for the criminals as they would definitely will be swift in transporting their victims. Saneaki went undercover as a hired sword, while Sakyo used his beautiful feminine feature to disguise as a woman so he would be kidnapped as well. Sakyo met Kayo where the criminals kept the women. She was holding up well due to her self-perseverance and strong will, also looking out for the terrified kidnapped girls. Sakyo told her and the other girls to make a run for it as he fight off the guards.

As they were running, one of the kidnapped girls fell and twisted her ankle so Sakyo stayed to help. He told Kayo to keep on running with the other women towards downhill where Kei will be waiting to assist. She came across the disguised Saneaki and could not tell that it was him due to her panic to get away. She used her skill as a naginata wielder and tried to fight him. He stopped her before she gets hurt and revealed himself. Saneaki commends her strong will but he wished that she would run or call for help first before facing such a danger.

In the end, the three of them managed to thwart the human trafficking incident. It turned out that they were the very same people who managed the haunted house that festival night. Unfortunately for Sakyo though, they were not the Onis that he was expecting. They walked her home, hand in hand, to make sure that Kayo will not disappear suddenly from their sight again.

  • Enishi & Kei (CV: Okiayu Ryoutarou & KENN)
Kayo met with Kei, one of the police of the town, to report to him of a certain problem she's having. Enishi was also there to see her. She told him that she had been receiving a love letter from a person she didn't know almost every night. At first, she tried to ignore it, but it never stopped. Strangely the letters will be placed at night but she never saw the person came. Before it escalated to something much more worrying, Kayo thought of sending a reply to refuse. Kei and Enishi decided that they will stake out to catch the person who kept giving her unsolicited love letters.

So that night, the two of them, as well as Kayo who later came to give them some snacks to eat, waited by the store behind her home. The mysterious person came and they could hear the footsteps, Enishi and Kei immediately jumped out and followed the shadows that seems to be running away. After running towards a very narrow street, the two men separated as they planned to surround the person. But when they came to the place where they were sure to trap the perpetrator, there was no one, as if vanished in thin air. Kei went back to trace their steps the next day to see if there's anywhere a person might have slipped away from, but there was no such thing. Enishi realized of something but he waited to the next stake out to confirm his suspicion.

The next night, they jumped out to catch the shadow again, and now they managed to face the mysterious person. A fight soon erupted, and Enishi confirmed that the person is not human, but instead an ayakashi (spiritual beings). The ayakashi fought Enishi and threw him off his feet, temporarily made him unconscious. Kayo came running from behind as she was worried seeing Enishi on the ground, but the figure of the ayakashi dissipated and went into Enishi's body. Being possessed, Enishi fought off Kei easily and took Kayo away.

Enishi managed to find them again soon after and fought the possessed Enishi the second time. With his Oni ability of using electricity, Kei succeed to separate the ayakashi. Kayo mentioned the spirit seems to be crying before it fades and disappear. She found some letters in another room and tt revealed to be once a man who were in love with a woman that is not within the same social class. It was a topic that's personal to both of the men because Enishi was from a family of high ranking officials within the shogunate, and Kei is part of the Oni clan. For them, whomever they wanted to marry with, will be met with difficulties due to differences.

The spirit expressed its utter regret for not being able to unite with the lover, also the immense sadness it felt when the letters to the woman stopped replying. The woman had already died (I'm not really sure but I think it was by suicide). The three of them decided to burn the letters and pray for the spirit and the lover.

  • Suzukake & Tsuzuramaru (CV: Oosaka Ryouta & Ono Yuuki)
One night, as Suzukake was heading home from seeing Kayo's father whom had a sprained waist, he and Kayo saw Tsuzuramaru on his way home from field work. They noticed a very clear night sky and the millions of bright stars spread across. Then they noticed a shooting star and was amazed at how pretty it was, but Tsuzuramaru mentioned he had heard that it also foretell a bad omen, which upsets Suzukake a bit. But the shooting star seemed to slow down and was heading to the ground, so the three of them decided to follow it. It wasn't a star, but an ayakashi in the shape of a glowing bird. It was injured and Suzukake felt very sorry for it and wanted to nurse it back to health. Since he could not bring it back to his rented room, Kayo suggest to keep it at her house instead.

Suzukake was especially glad that both Tsuzuramaru and Kayo is very fond of the ayakashi, since he understood that human hated ayakashi for various reasons. Being raised and grew up among ayakashi since infancy, he didn't like that he had to take a side in the delicate matters between the co-existence between the two "worlds". Tsuzuramaru said it's because of the bird reminded him of his own pet, Hayato, a messenger pigeon, and seeing it hurt made him worry. Suzukake tried to talk with the bird ayakashi to explain why its so injured, but the creature only trembled in fear. Wherever it came from must have been a very terrifying place, it only calm down when Kayo soothed it. Later, Kayo suggested for the two men to spend the night at her house and they slept side by side together, with their hands joined.

The next morning, Tsuzuramaru went for his odd jobs of becoming a cleaner for a resident of a rich man. He overheard the cries of a creature that's very similar to the bird ayakashi they rescued before. After some research, it was revealed that the rich man was catching the glowing birds and trapped them in a storage room. He went back to Suzukake and Kayo, and they decided to help to free the birds. Tsuzuramaru was to convince the employer to take him in as a guard instead of a cleaner, and Suzukake was to sneak in and open the cage and led the birds to freedom.

With the birds freed, they were blessed with a view of a sky full of glowing birds that looked like hundreds of shooting stars.

Final say: I am absolutely obsessed with the drama CD of this particular game. I don't think I love any other drama CD to this close to obsession aside from Hime kazoku. I actually found the drama CD before I played the game so at first I was a bit confused of the little details of the guys' background and why they're strongly attached to certain topic. I really hope Rejet would keep making these drama CDs but I guess they gotta move on sooner or later.

That said, I am a bit disappointed that the Suzu and Tsuzu's volume does not share the same amount of "danger" as the previous two. But that "kawa no ji" scene is just, *tightens fist*, absolutely satisfying. Kayo deserved to be soine-d by the two of the most good bois in the entire otome game universe.


  1. Hello. I hope you have been well. I was wondering if you would be willing to share these dramas privately. If yes, please do let me know.

    Thank you very much for your time.

    1. Hello sure but I only own one of the three volumes, however.

      Be sure to see my post about my sharing/trading list and how to contact me if you're interested!
