Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Onee CD

Onee CD
About: Three stories from three different Onee.

Trivia: Onee is a term used to describe effeminate men who usually prefers things that is stereotypically considered as feminine. Though in this drama CD, the characters considers Onee as a "third gender". But in general, based on my own personal understanding of this character type through multiple fiction works, they are men who refers themselves as "atashi [アタシ]" and speaks in a feminine tone.

Trivia2: Be sure to visit the official website for the 4koma comics for the characters.

Trivia3: There is 2nd season of this series that features 3 other CVs but I only have one of them at the moment (the Satou Takuya one). Please let me know if you have the other two and willing to share/trade with me.

  • Tougou George (CV: Kondo Takashi)
An editor-in-chief for a fashion magazine, George is a tough but caring superior towards MC, the new staff in the company. He always paid attention to her and found out that even though she had been working for 2 years, she is still struggling with settling in with the work atmosphere in the office.

One day, he and MC got a call to help for a food review article. George thought it's just to eat and review, but only then realized that they were required to take photos as well. He admits that it had been many years since he touched a camera and the current models are too different with the ones he had familiarized with. MC said she knows how to use it and with that, they managed to finish the work well. George started to call MC Camera-chan ever since due to her knowledge of using one. Since then, George had been closer to MC and even helped her out when her data in her computer got corrupted and the entire page spread of article she had worked on were gone. One day after work, he & MC and a few other people in the same office, went for a group drink in a bar. MC ordered a dish of ostrich meat and that really paints a different picture of her in George's eyes. She also admitted to have eaten snakes and crocodile before.

In the epilogue, George was drinking alone in a bar (possibly the same one from Ruri's story) talking about his childhood memories of the first time seeing ostrich. He also mentioned that he thinks he liked MC but didn't know if he should tell her.

  • Hoshihata Ruri (CV: Toriumi Kousuke)
Affectionately referred himself as Ruri-nee (lit. Big sis Ruri), he worked as a radio host personality for his very own late night segment, Kon'ya wa African [今夜はアフリカン!] (lol idk why it's named that way). The segment was where the listeners can hear Ruri-nee talked about a lot of things, especially love problems, and is also a channel for other onee to reach out to someone alike themselves.

In his private life, Ruri recently frequents to a certain cafe/bar just to see the new part-time girl. He would specifically be there when it was her shift, and would try to have casual talk with her. He even got to know that MC likes to read manga about youkai (aka supernatural beings) and began to share his collection with her. It's obvious that Ruri likes MC a lot and the owner of the cafe advised him to confess soon. But for someone like Ruri, he didn't think any girl would ever accept him as he was. In his radio show he addressed the issue that an onee's path to love is the most difficult, and others like him chimed in to agree. He noticed he received a letter from listeners a few times, pen name "Piyo-piyo P-san", talking about their interest in a certain person they met at work and wanted to get closer. Though the writer of the letter said they knew how that person really is naturally (i.e., that he is an onee), they felt upset that he had to put up a pretend persona whenever they tried to talk. Ruri-nee felt touched by this story and said that he understands that person. Not many onee would ever had the courage to show their real selves towards the person that they like, as not many would prefer an effeminate men as a romantic interest. He advised that Piyo-piyo P-san would let that person know directly how they felt.

After a while, Ruri heard that the cafe he frequents will be closed, and he was devastated that he might not be able to see MC anymore. Though through the help of the cafe owner giving him chances to be alone with MC, Ruri couldn't find the courage to confess before the cafe is closed. Later in a live broadcasting, he reads another letter from Piyo-piyo P-san, and he realized that the story it told is very similar to what happened to him recently. He then noticed the cafe owner and MC observing from outside and was flustered. He didn't think she knew he and Ruri-nee were the same person. MC told him that she had always listened to his talk show from the very first episode and was very happy to see him at the cafe that she works. They both confessed their interests to one another and began to date.

George is one of the people who writes to Ruri's radio talk show.

  • Aizawa Kaoru (CV: Tsuda Kenjirou)
Kaoru and MC had been next door neighbors for a long time, and he had been looking after her since she was young. He usually takes the role of her guardian due to their age gap, and especially so after MC's parents went for work out of town very often. Kaoru nicknamed her Mikan-chan because she liked tangerines a lot when she was a kid.

Because he worked as a novelist, he is usually home most of the day. Every morning he would make sure MC would wake up in time for school, makes her breakfast, and helped her with chores. One day, she shared with him that there is a certain boy she liked. It was the previous president of the theater club, and the club is set to held a Romeo & Juliet performance for the coming cultural festival. MC said she wanted to help the stage performance, but she knew she can't help with the acting since she is bad at it. Kaoru suggested she would help with the makeup instead. He took her to his favorite makeup shop for performers and taught her a lot of things regarding makeup and they're importance.

Come the cultural festival even, Kaoru came with MC's older brother, who gets a bit overprotective of his little sister when he heard that MC was seeming to be hiding something from him. And that he guessed that it must have been a lover. At first, he thought it was Kaoru, but Kaoru immediately got flustered by the possibility. Although Kaoru did like MC, he only sees himself as a guardian/motherly figure of hers. The stage play went on well, and MC's older brother even cried seeing how well the makeup of the actors, knowing his little sister put that much effort into them.

After the event, MC came to Kaoru's place again, this time with tears in her eyes. She said that the guy that she liked is to be on his way overseas for his further studies. Kaoru asked her if she was crying because she didn't get to confess her feelings, or that she felt all her effort in the stage play was useless now. MC said no, and let herself be comforted by Kaoru. Although the stage play has ended, she was determined to continue her path as a professional makeup artist. And Kaoru will be there for her along the way.

Kaoru is working on a short novel for a column in a fashion magazine that George is working for.

Final say: yep. I like them onee

Anyway. Because my Japanese skill is mostly self-taught, I don't really recognize the more 'technical' terms in George's volume. What I summarized is the best I could get without looking up for the meaning of a specific word. That said, I don't know which one is my favorite. Maybe Ruri because I bought that one first and had more time to listen to it on repeat lol.

In a nutshell, this is rather not-that-romantic romance(?) stories. Exception for Ruri's volume where it was very obvious that he likes MC, the one in George is one-sided, and Kaoru though he likes MC, he only sees himself as a mother-figure.

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