Tuesday, January 14, 2020

[R18] Ai no aru Seikatsu

Ai no aru Seikatsu

About: Love stories of co-habitating lovers.

  • Kousuke (CV: Margarine Tengu)
Story starts on the first day both MC and Kousuke officially living together. Kousuke had just came back from sending off their friends who had helped with the move, and got pleasantly surprised when MC welcomed him home. He felt like his good days together with MC will only just be beginning.

Although they wanted to immediately start living as a co-habitating couple, they sat down and talk about the house rules. They agreed on cooking and taking out the trash duty, as well as to have MC promise that if she were to come home from part time work at night, she would definitely gave him a call with no excuse. Both realized when people starts to live together, no matter how close they were before, many previously unseen habits will now be obvious to one another. They promise that they will talk about it if it's something that can no longer be ignored anymore.

Kousuke also worried about having MC's strict father suddenly coming to their place, since he had spent a lot of effort to have him agree to acknowledge Kousuke's seriousness with the relationship with MC. After all, they have only been dating for a year. He even wondered if he should dye his hair black again, just so to appear more 'reliable'. MC reassured him that eventually her father will see how honest Kousuke really is, without having to change himself for anyone.

  • Kazuma (CV: Tetrapod Noboru)
It had been 3 years since Kazuma and MC living together, and their time together had gradually reduced to passing greetings to one another. Both are putting at front with their work, so it just became something they can't help with anymore. Kazuma mentioned to MC that for the current project he is involved in, he would be returning home late even more often.

One day, MC came come early from work just so the two of them can have more time together like they used to. Right in the middle of the action, Kazuma got a call from work saying there's a major happening regarding his project and his subordinate, and he agreed to be there immediately. Since then, MC started to deliberately avoided from talking with Kazuma, and even came home from work later than usual. Kazuma knew she was still too upset to talk with him, but he begged her to listen. He said if they continue to drift apart like this, it will be something they can never mend again.

Kazuma explained that the success of his project will give him more time to focus on his life with MC (or something, I don't quite get it as the terms used is too specific for my current level). They made up, and promised to spend the next day off for an onsen trip like how they always wanted to do since a long time ago.

  • Itsuki (CV: Houdentei Gatsushin)
MC and Itsuki had been together since meeting in a drinking party between their companies, and had lived together for 5 years. By now, they had gone through a lot and now entering a calm period of cohabitation. Both felt they knew the other well enough now. That night, they are planning a birthday party for Itsuki that will come soon. He is to tell his co-workers that he will available for nothing that relates to work, and MC is to get him the cake.

However that night of reminiscing their childhood stories, Itsuki told MC of his story of getting his first invitation to a female classmate's birthday party. He said it was very nerve-wrecking since he was never good with girls, and didn't expect to be invited. Since he didn't know what to gift the classmate, he followed his mother's suggestion of giving her a flower, which is a single rose. He remembered it being one of the most embarrassing moment of his life, and he never recalled if the classmate ever talked to him again. Hearing this story, Itsuki noticed MC changed her expression. She said she was a bit jealous of the classmate for getting flowers from him, though she later told him she also had accepted gifts from male classmates. They both shared a laugh how they would be jealous of another's childhood stories.

Come the birthday, Itsuki came home earlier than usual and they proceed to have their private party together. Later, there was a delivery at the door and Itsuki came back with a bouquet of red roses. He gave it to her because he felt like he wanted to, not carelessly suggested by someone else's. Itsuki also proposed to her to marry him, saying he had learned all he can for living together for 5 years, and would like their journey to take the next step. MC said yes.  

Final say: This is a fairly old series that went incomplete in my collection, but I managed to find the third volume last Tokyo trip, so here it is. It's good, but I'd really like it if the other two has the same amount of misunderstanding as the Kazuma volume. No surprise I like that volume better than the rest, because I'm such a slut for couples fighting then made up again lol.

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