Monday, April 6, 2020

Shinigami-hime no Saikon

死神姫の再婚 Drama CD
Shinigami-hime no Saikon Drama CD
[Remarriage of the Death Princess]
Frontier Works Inc.

About: Alicia's previous marriage was met with the tragic demise of her husband. Despite the infamous title as a Death Princess, a Duke that's well known for being a tyrant, marries her.

Trivia: This series is based on the light novel and manga of the same name. This drama CD covers the entirety of the first arc of the series. 

Trivia2: The actual title of this drama CD has the word "Vol.1", but the second/consequent volume was never released. The official page from Frontier Works is also no longer available, so it's very clear this project was unfortunately cancelled.

Alicia Fatelyn (CV: Kobayashi Yuu)
Kashvarn Licen (CV: Sugita Tomokazu)
Nora (CV: Koshimizu Ami)
Trace (CV: Konishi Katsuyuki)

After witnessing the assassination of her husband during the wedding, Alicia Fatelyn became a widow at a young age. Being called the Death Princess, she struggled to find a husband to help her ruined family name alive. The Fatelyns was once a very influential family but it had met with many hardships and bankruptcy along the years and now Alicia is the only heir. Because of her infamous title, she was expected to be a monster and was feared by a lot of marriage candidates. However, a certain Duke of Azberg, Kashvarn Licen, proposed to marry her in exchange for money. Being an airhead who didn't get easily influenced by people who wished to insult her, as well as an optimist, Alicia accepted the proposal wholeheartedly and saved her ruined family from debt. As soon as she arrived at the manor, Grand Duke (a title he insisted strongly) conducted the marriage as well as officiate it himself. A young Earl Reiden and Euran, a priest of the Promise of the Wings (this world's religion), stormed in to stop the marriage, saying what the Grand Duke is doing is inappropriate and could not be acknowledged by the church. Despite their opposition, Kashvarn went ahead and finished the ceremony. Thus started Alicia's life as the Tyrant's wife in the manor.

Alicia was very fond of the occult and was very amazed that the Licen manor was alike the legendary manor of the Hasbelt where the lord of the house murdered a lot of young woman to have their blood make his rose garden bloom. Kashvarn warned her not to stray from the home, but Nora the maid invited her to go out of the manor anyway and trick her by leaving Alicia at the side of the road. Alicia simply accepted that she was lost and got hungry. She smelled something sweet and followed it to a peculiar plant and took a small bite out of the leaves. A man yelled at her from behind saying the plant, "hiryou irazu" (lit. "no need fertilizers") was very poisonous. The man, Trace, heard her explanation that she needs to return to the Licen manor and got very worried for Alicia, saying it was dangerous to be there. He lets her stay the night at his home and offered that he will return her to the Fatelyn's county tomorrow instead. The next day, a minister came to claim Trace's portion of the tax he claimed he didn't fulfill. Trace denied saying he paid what was written by law that he owed. The minister refute saying he had the right to demand a bit more since he was appointed as the minister. Grand Duke Licen appeared soon after and exposed the corrupt minister's sin. Living to his true name of a Tryant, he didn't grant the minister a proper trial and executed him on the spot.

Kashvarn was angry that Alicia did not heed his order to not wander out of the manor. Alicia knew he would be angry so all she could do then was to apologize and promised not to do it again. But instead, she began to question about Trace and his relationship with Kashvarn since they seem to know each other very well. That topic, too, was made forbidden for her to ask any more. Reaching the manor, Nora was disappointed to see Alicia was unharmed. But noticing Kashvarn was clearly angry, she suggested Alicia to bother him at his room in order to make him be more angry. Fortunately, though angry, Kashvarn did not turned Alicia away. She came with a plate of hot dish that she made personally. Her husband was surprised to hear that his young wife had been living in poverty despite having a good lineage, and had to live unlike most noble ladies. The next morning, the Reiden and Euran, came again to convince Alicia to divorce the Grand Duke. Again, Kashvarn resisted, and Alicia also added in that she do not have any intention to absolve the marriage, since her ruined family needed the money. After the Grand Duke left, Alicia mentioned to the two guests about Trace and they left as if was given a good idea. Trace appeared in the manor the next day and wished to return to his position to serve the Grand Duke. Alicia could tell that her husband was happy but on the outside, he only showed that he is indifferent about it.

While exploring and admiring the creepy manor, Alicia found herself into a secret room behind a moving wall. A strange man was in there, pointing a blade soaked with the poison of the "hiryou irazu". The assassin admitted that he had been the one who killed her previous husband, and would now kill her current husband, as per request of a certain young Earl. The joyful assassin left her unharmed after saying that he liked her personality. Fearing for Kashvarn's life, Alicia decided to break her promise and went into the closed-off rose garden to look for the assassin. What she saw there was a barren garden with gravestones. She saw the name Hasbelt on one of them and realized that this was the same place as the legendary murder of the Hasbelt. Kashvarn was there too and he was uncontrollably angry at his wife. He threw her out before she could explain she was there to stop the assassin. Alicia was determined to stop another murder so she sneaked out to see Reiden to have him stop the order. Kashvarn came to take her home but before he could kill Ruark, Alicia suggested that they would hire him instead.

The next day came news that the Earl Reiden had bought the manor of Alicia's Fatelyn family home, thus claiming that there is no need for her to stay married to the Grand Duke anymore. Kashvarn decided to confront them head-to-head and was about to fight the naive Earl, but suddenly Trace stabbed him from behind. He revealed that he did so because the priest Euran promised to grant "wings" for his dead sister (murdered by Kashvarn's father). It was clear now that the whole thing was orchestrated by Euran. He wanted to kill Kashvarn at all cost to the point of manipulating the young Earl and Trace because he believed that Kashvarn was an enemy to the religion of Promise of the Wings. To end it very dramatically, he told Alicia to deal the killing blow to her husband and she agreed but only using the poisoned knife of Ruark's. To everyone's surprised, Alicia stabbed herself and collapsed. Euran ran to her confused why would she did such a thing. Alicia woke up for a moment to stab the priest before losing her consciousness.

When she woke up again, her husband was right beside her. Kashvarn told her that everything had ended and there would be no one who will interfere with their marriage again. He asked why would she still be alive after being poisoned by the very lethal poison of the "hiryou irazu". Turns out that during her life of absolute poverty, the plant grew everywhere near her home. With nothing to eat, and seeing the plant being abundant but no human nor animals would eat them, she thought it would be a waste. She ate them so much that she developed a tolerance towards the deadly poison. Kashvarn was glad that his young wife was so poor that she would survive the poison. The two couples decided to keep their marriage and lived peacefully from now on.

Final say: There's actually a lot more details of the world building of this story that I don't include in my summary because that would be far too long to explain. The influence of the religion Promise of the Wings and Earl Reiden's history played a greater role actually. It's better if you read the manga or light novel. What I summarized was the basic plot.

I started the series with this drama CD before the manga, btw, because I just love it when Kobayashi and Sugita played the main roles. I think the story is very well written and Alicia is very lovable. Too bad the drama CD never went passed the first volume or I would love they continue to the Clockwork Duke. You know, that scene with the "bellyache" lol.

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