Thursday, October 3, 2019

Yomei Kareshi

Yomei Kareshi

About: A love story with a limited life expectancy.

Trivia: The characters seemed to know each other either as acquaintances of the same school or work. Some even knew one another because they went to the same hospital.

  • Hayate (CV: Eguchi Takuya)
Although tends to enjoy teasing MC at any chance he gets, Hayate can get a bit 'tsundere'. They had been dating for a while, and the relationship was very welcomed by Hayate's parents. After a movie date one day, they went on a picnic at some park and there he asked her to move in together with him.

Fast forward to current time, Hayate had been warded in a hospital for a certain sickness for over 6 month already. MC, as well as his parents, came to see him often. Hayate always said they just worried about him too much, and told MC she didn't have to come to see him everyday like this. He was sure he will get better soon, and he promised to take her for a vacation when he does. He also promised that he would marry her.

In the epilogue, MC was reading the letter he left in his memo book Hayate had been hiding from her. He had already passed by this time, and he wrote to her that he was sorry for hiding things from her. He was also sorry to promise her many things though he knew well he would never be able to grant any of them. He mentioned that he cherished the time they had together, and wished she would not stop finding her own happiness, even without him by her side.

  • Subaru (CV: Aoi Shota)
Subaru was a gentle young man who currently dating MC. Their story starts with them having a relaxing date at his place, drinking tea. He soon received a call from the hospital where his father, a doctor, was working at, and she overheard something worrisome.

Subaru's mother died some years ago due to an illness the doctors, including his father, never managed to find out what it was. And since Subaru also shows the same weak health as his mother, they wondered if it was something hereditary. Thus why he always went to the hospital for a regular check-up and the doctors research. On the next day, he left first for the hospital and let MC to sleep in. That was the last time he was ever in his home.

MC had to meet him at the ward ever since then, because his condition deteriorate to having fainting spells and lost the ability just to stand on his own. He tried to assured her that he was fine, but eventually the two of them had to face the possible reality that he might not live long. They met one last time before a certain surgery he was supposed to have, and he shared that he was scared. He was terrified of being put to sleep because he wondered if he would ever wake up and see her again. He left her a letter saying though he had always known he wouldn't live that long, and that his family had done everything they could to make his life meaningful, meeting her at their university had been the best thing in his life. For the first time, he anticipated to meet her and spending time together. He also wrote that if he would wake up again, he has something important he wanted to tell her. But unfortunately, the letter was the last thing he left for her. Subaru had succumbed to his illness and passed.

  • Yutaka (CV: Masuda Toshiki)
The story started with MC running to school after waking up late. She met her childhood friend and long time neighbor, Yutaka, whom she called Yuu-chan. Because the bell had already rang, the overly energetic and loud boy told her there's no need to run anymore since they're already late. At lunch time, they spent time eating some leftover bread from the school shop.Yutaka was a very passionate basketball player, to which he admits wanted to get into the school due to the club's reputation. Else, he would never strive so hard to pass the entry exams. He had a big match coming soon that he wished MC would come and see, but she apologized that she can't because of her part time work. She promised that she will come for his next match, however that promise never came.

In that match, Yutaka had a fall but still managed to shoot the winning score for his team. MC met him at the hospital but he mentioned that the doctor want to keep him warded (for reasons I don't quite get. I assumed they found something else from the tests?). At first, Yutaka was very optimistic that he would soon get better and he promised that he would treat her properly as a girlfriend. They planned for a movie date, but unfortunately, Yutaka's condition turned for the worse.

By Winter of the same year, Yutaka lost all his energetic side and couldn't even sit up by himself. He reminisced the times when they were kids when they used to try to build the biggest snowman but ended up unable to lift the head part. MC came one day to his hospital room with a pail of snow for him to play with. By Spring, Yutaka finally passed, and he left a letter to MC just in case he would no longer be able to convey his feelings to her anymore. He expressed his utmost regret for taking time for granted for not spending even more time together.

  • Kaede (CV: Kakihara Tetsuya)
His story started with MC helping Kaede with his things from his ward as he was finally cleared to go home. He was hospitalized for a certain illness he had and it had been a long while he had missed school since. Kaede, very cheerful but can sometimes be childish, shared with MC that he was quite nervous to go back to school as he had missed a lot of things. He even forgot some details about the school because of the long absence.

Despite everything finally turned for the better, and Kaede began to hope for a normal high school experience, he fell unconscious while playing the piano that was in the music room as he was waiting for MC to go home. He woke up back in the same hospital he had been to before. Though he was sad, he was at first optimistic of his fate, given he had gotten better before. Unfortunately, his illness grew worse and sucked all the energy he had in him. He admitted to not taking his medicine because they were far stronger than he had before and it was excruciatingly painful for him. Kaede even forbids anyone to see him when he was on the new meds.

On the last few days MC had with him, Kaede shared his secret that he had lied to her about telling her the song he played on the piano when they first met as elementary students were not his own creation. They were some anime song since MC said she didn't like classical ones. He told her that he was trying to compose a song on his own for her but it was unfinished because he didn't know how to end it. He instead write in 'da capo' to make the song looped itself so an ending would never be needed. Before Kaede finally taken away by his illness, he left MC a letter saying that he was sure when his soul reincarnate, he would definitely try to find her and fall in love with her again.

  • Ryo (CV: Umehara Yuuichirou)
Coming from a small town, Ryo went to the big city to find a better opportunity in life. His girlfriend, whom he had been dating since junior high, came one day after a few weeks settling in. He was quite embarrassed that his place was still a mess when he had no time tidying up. MC cooked his favorite nikujaga and they spent the night drinking and eating merrily. The next day, before MC's shinkansen ride back home, they were supposed to spend the whole day for a date. Unfortunately, there was an urgent matter at his work place and had to cut the date short. They went to a small cafe nearby because Ryo liked their signature pudding.

Some time passed, MC came to visit Ryo when he was hospitalized after collapsing at his office. He said they were just overreacting but the doctors want him warded anyway. Ryo was very concerned that MC took a day off, the long train ride, just to see him in the hospital. Despite trying to say there's nothing to worry about, his stay at the hospital went on longer than expected. It was very clear that he was not well at all. Ryo told her of the things he had kept from her. One, the doctors said his illness was very serious. And two, he had to quit the job he had been looking forward for since he knew he can't possibly take a leave this long. He decided to return to their hometown and asked MC if she could help him pack his things at his apartment. In his weakening state, they rode the shinkansen train together and reminisced about the life they had back home in a very rural small town.

Ryo eventually succumbed to his illness. He left a letter to MC saying that he was disappointed of many things he couldn't do, despite that he had tried his best. But the most he was regretting was that he wanted to live together with MC in the big city, and that he should have asked her earlier. He wished her well on her life and that he believed that she didn't need him by her side anymore, holding her hand, as she is far stronger than she knew.

  • Tadashi (CV: Hatano Wataru)
MC and Tadashi had been together for some time, living and working in the big city. Tadashi has a strong sense of responsibility with his work and towards his junior. MC was said to be one of his junior as well. Though she had known him a long time, Tadashi always reluctant to speak to her about his family. All he ever said was that he had always been his grandfather's favorite since his own father focused too much on his career after he lost his mother from very young, and they never had a good relationship. Tadashi admitted to have left his home after an argument with his father and swore to never return home.

Some time later, Tadashi was taken to the hospital after found collapsed at his work and MC was called since he had made her his emergency contact if anything happened to him. He thought that it's better to make his actual family member but since he had never talked to his father for a long time, he doubted he would care if Tadashi was hospitalized.

The hospital stay prolonged and his condition worsened. Not too long before Tadashi's death, the two of them managed to go on an onsen trip they had always wanted to, but never got to due to each other's work. In his final letter to MC, he was severely regretting that he never got to introduce her to his father, or the fact that he never tried to fix their father-son relationship.

  • Shun (CV: Tsuda Kenjiro)
Haven't found this volume yet. Will update when/if I do.

  • Satoshi (CV: Hanae Natsuki)
Haven't found this volume yet. Will update when/if I do.

Final say: Well I always said I love a sad love story buT THIS IS TOO MUCHHHH!! It's not a tragic sad story, but because it all started with a happy beginning, it made the sad ending much more excruciatingly painful. Don't look for me anymore, I'm just gonna die in this pool of my own tears.


  1. I have the eighth volume if you'd like me to share. Because Hanae.

    1. oooh I'd appreciate if you can share or trade!
      (I actually found a copy of both sold as used but the price is still over my budget then so I had to give it up)

      send me an email or can also reach me at my tumblr!
