Tuesday, September 3, 2019

[R18] Danna Igai

Danna Igai

About: A hidden relationship MC hid from her husband.

Trivia: This is a very old series (2014, a.k.a. the year non-BL R18 drama CD started to become a thing), and not much was written on the official site that I can lift and refer to. So this is mostly my best attempt to summarize it by myself.

Trivia 2: They didn't write the characters' name in the website, so I just lift what I can from the actual tracks.

  • Sasaki Riku (CV: Yotsuya Cider)
MC and Riku is working together at a certain supermarket for some time already. He knew she is handful of years his senior, and that she is a married woman, yet he cannot help but kept his attraction to her a secret. Though MC always said she is an obasan (lit. old woman), Riku would always add that he thinks she is beautiful. One day, he found her standing alone in the rain looking very lost. He invited her to his small apartment and intended to feed her dinner and wait until she shares her problem with him. MC didn't say much, except that there was a problem with her and her husband. Some time later, she called Riku to stop at his place, and he was shocked to see her face with a visible mark of being hit. She said it was from her husband and the man tried to call to apologize but she didn't want to hear his voice at that moment. In attempt to cheer her up again, Riku offered to be her pretend boyfriend. They had sex, and even went on an impromptu trip to the sea the next day.

After some days afterwards, MC came to Riku's place to see him again after he didn't show up for work. What she found was a letter he left for her, telling her that he chose to withdraw himself from her life. He said it's partly because of him chasing his dream to be a music teacher (or something?), but the other part was that he hoped MC and her husband can make up and be happy together again. They met again coincidentally at a holiday agency where Riku worked part-time, when MC came with her husband to find a good package for a second honeymoon trip. While the husband went for to the toilet, Riku said he was glad to see she could be happy again, and said it's better they continue to stay as strangers.

  • Towa (CV: Domon Atsushi)
A few days before Christmas, a man named Towa came to the city for his holiday from his rural hometown. He wanted to enjoy the beautiful scenery of winter in the urban jungle. Towa had been single for a long time, and he felt quite lonely seeing all the couples having their fun in the park he had stop by. It didn't take long before he noticed a lone woman sitting on a bench, seeming to be waiting for someone. After a while, he decided to try to talk to her.The woman was indeed waiting for someone but she agreed to talk with him, though she didn't say much. After some time, she decided she's "done waiting" and left after giving him a Christmas present she had with her. It was a glove and it coincidentally fit Towa's perfectly. They promised to talk again if they met another day.

The next day, Towa went to the park again to see if he would find her again, but MC was not there. He waited for a while longer before decided to give up. MC came running, and he noticed she was not looking well. He invited her to his hotel room nearby so that she would rest. As he offered to massage her cold hands, only then he saw the wedding ring. Knowing well she was a married woman, he swore that he will not do anything to her (unless she insists lol). They slept side by side after she shared her story. MC had a lover before, as well as her husband, before getting married due to family arrangement. She decided to become filial and break up with her then lover to marry the man her family had chosen for her. Unfortunately, the husband didn't do the same. Even after getting married, the husband still meets with his lover. MC tried hard to be the good wife but it seems nothing works. Towa, after hearing all of these, told her to have a talk with her husband and her family. In the Christmas morning, MC said her gratitude of Towa's presence, and went back to her life. He wished he could confess his attraction to her right then, but he just watched her go.

Towa, who had never stopped thinking about MC, whom he never knew her name and only called her Oku-san (lit. ma'am). One day, he received a call from her from the phone number he wrote on the can of coffee he gave her before. She said she and the husband agreed to divorce. Towa wasted no time to get to know her again, starting with her name.

  • Hamanaka Kyohiro (CV: Kashiwagi Homare)
MC enrolled in a cooking class where Kyohiro teaches, in which he specialized in chocolates. He always noticed her looking very gloomy compared to the other cheerful students. Although he knew she's a married woman, he invited her to his home by saying he lived with his mother, to make her eat his chocolate fondue to lift her spirits up. Only there, MC realized his lie, that he did lived with his mother (who were also a well-known chocolatier) but she had already left to Belgium where she originated.

After some questions to why she was so gloomy, MC shared that she found out that her husband was cheating on her. She didn't confront him due to she favored their marriage, to which Kyohiro couldn't understand. He offered himself to be her secret tryst instead, and to which MC reluctantly accepted. They went on a date and pretend they were real lovers. One day, she told him that she and the husband had a big fight, yet she still wanted to make up by baking him a chocolate birthday cake. For some reasons, they made together at his place but they eventually had sex in the end.

MC was completely regretting what she did, and she came clean to her husband, whom was very shocked to hear it. Kyohiro commented that was ridiculous of him, since the husband also cheated. Despite the mistakes they made, MC said she chose to be with her husband. At the same time, Kyohiro decided to quit the class and goes back to Belgium (I think) to pursue the same career as his mother. They never planned to meet each other again. The next time MC heard from him he had became a famous chocolatier and was having an interview on tv. He mentioned though he was inspired for that profession by his mother, he also wanted to grant happiness to the people he cared for; which was the same exact reason Kyohiro had said to her when he explained why he approached her.

Final say: I'm very conflicted with the cheating theme. As I am Aro/Ace, I do not believe that romance/love is something unconditional or permanent, and one does not become the other's 'property' once they are in a relationship. But at the same time, I am very annoyed to hear/see when a someone cheats on their partners, because I do not enjoy the idea of me being lied to. So this series had been sitting in my To-Listen folder forever because of this conflict I have. But because I love drama (and I ran out of titles to listen to that is not mostly p0rn with no actual plot lol), I finally decided to give it a try anyway.

Well... they are still a strange theme for me to understand, but I do admit some of the drama were quite good, but it felt stale due to the ridiculous justification of a one-night-stand. Also the series being so old the SFX for the scenes sounds a bit lacking. But I guess they were overall fine. Kinda.

Though I have a personal problem with the first volume. He clearly saw that MC was subjected to violence by her husband, and he still hoped for her to make up with the husband??? I don't care if it's just a spur of the moment, but once you hit someone out of anger, you WILL hit again. I'm saying this as a person with anger issues. The first time you will feel guilty, but if a next time arises, you just think "oh I will only hit with half the strength" and you WILL escalate it. What I'm saying is that the writer assumes a husband hitting their wives is a common problem that can be forgotten and wiped away from memory, whereas if I were Riku, I would tell her to get the fuck away or always be wary. You cannot trust someone who had raised their hand on their loved ones out of anger. You can forgive them, but never forget what they did.

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