Saturday, July 6, 2019

Higashiura-ke no Kyuujitsu

Higashiura-ke no Kyuujitsu

About: One holiday in the Higashiura family.

  • Brothers, Higashiura Yuuto and Takashi (CV: Eguchi Takuya & Sakurai Takahiro)
The holiday starts with MC having trouble waking up to her alarm clock, but she did asked her little brother, Yuuto, to wake her up if she didn't. She mentioned to him that she was suppose to be meeting someone that day, but when she checked her phone for messages, she said the other person cancelled at the last minute. MC then decided to spend the rest of the day at home instead.

Yuuto is an energetic boy that can be a bit childish at time, while Takashi is more of a strict elder brother type with a short temper. With their father at work, Takashi is the one who takes the role of taking care of his younger siblings. They made breakfast together, then spent the whole afternoon playing video games. For dinner, she and Yuuto were to make curry but the little brother asked her to 'change it up' by adding various strange things. This lead the curry tasted horrible, which really made Takashi very angry. He took his revenge by telling them a scary story, knowing full well Yuuto is very scared of them.

That night, Yuuto came to MC's room saying he wanted to share the snacks he bought earlier that noon, though it's obvious that he was having trouble sleeping because of Takashi's scary story earlier. Yuuto being a very loud talker, the older brother found out soon enough and came to check on them. After shooing Yuuto away, Takashi finally has his time to talk to MC about what happened that morning. She admitted to suppose be having a date with her boyfriend but he had to cancel the last minute, which made her felt upset. He tucked her to sleep then for a moment, reminiscing of how small she was as a toddler, and now old enough to have a boyfriend.

  • Father and Uncle, Higashiura Haruki & Akinobu (CV: Okitsu Kazuyuki & Yasumoto Hiroki)
In another holiday, MC is yet again sleeping in one morning. She was wakened up by her father, Haruki, though he has no heart to bother her sleeping so soundly. His little brother, Akinobu, suddenly shows up in the room and decided to wake her by getting into her bed. MC eventually was woken up by the sounds of argue between her father and her uncle.

Haruki is a gentle man at most time, but can be very strict, especially towards his younger brother, Akinobu. His brother is still a single, and would occasionally comes to their home either to join their meals or just hanging out. Akinobu asked of MC if she already has a boyfriend, and how far along in the relationship. He even offered his advice for sex but was abruptly interrupted by Haruki by saying it's an inappropriate question. Haruki later went for grocery shopping with her and awkwardly tried to ask if his daughter really had a boyfriend. She said no.

Before dinner, she went on a drive with her uncle to the beach, and he asked her if she really said the truth about not having a boyfriend. She admitted to have lied because she didn't know how to start the conversation with her father. Later that night before bed, her uncle called her on the phone telling her she should properly tell her father the truth.

  • Future family, Nagae Mihiro & Daigo (CV: Ono Yuuki & Kimura Ryohei)
MC's Sunday morning was awakened by a phone call by her boyfriend, Mihiro, asking about their long awaited date. She was to spend the night at Mihiro's to compensate their previous date plan that had to be cancel in the last minute (in Brothers volume). However to Mihiro's surprise, his older brother Daigo suddenly showed up unannounced. Since there's three people, Daigo insists that they would play Old Maid together.

After hours of playing and ate dinner together, which Daigo volunteered to cook and washed up, Mihiro told the brother to hurry home. Only then Daigo admitted to have came there to crash for a night due to some issues with his own home. He had the electricity cut off because he was behind his bills but since it's a holiday, the bank is not open for him to go settling it. (lol why not just pay it online? How old is this drama cd?). Assessing the situation, MC said her plan to stay overnight would need to take another rain check, but Mihiro said she didn't have to. As much as he wanted to kick his brother out, he relent and Daigo is assigned to sleep out in the hallway instead. (They didn't say in the dialogue, but I'm pretty sure Mihiro's place is a 1LDK where everything is in one room, except for the toilet/bathroom so Daigo is sleeping in that small area between there and the front door.)

MC woke up later that night from the sounds of Daigo coming into the room to retrieve his phon. They spoke for a while, mostly talking about Mihiro. Daigo revealed that he was glad his little brother found a nice girl like her as his girlfriend. Mihiro had always been so reserved in person much alike their father, since their mother walked out of the family. Daigo, being very cheerful, seems to be the only one making a noise in their home while growing up. He asked MC whether she would stay with Mihiro until they get married because wanted her to call him "oniichan", but Mihiro woke up and shooed him away.

The next morning, Mihiro left with MC for class after sternly telling Daigo to hurry get out of his place.

Final say: Thank you for that Anon for pointing this series out for me, because if you hadn't, I wouldn't have paid it any attention at all. This is a very sweet fluffy, family-centric drama that I love, though I wish there's a bit more scenes in them. I still can't decide if the roles for Okitsu and Yasumoto should have been reversed or not. I would have wanted Okitsu to be the teasing uncle and Yasumoto the overprotective dad, but it sure works so damn well as it is too.

There is a special volume of just Mihiro (and MC, of course), but I haven't got through that one yet. Will update when/if I do.

[ugh I think my English is mega worst in this, grammar's all over the place idk how to fix it  >_< ]

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