Sunday, May 12, 2019

Hitorijime series

Hitorijime series
Gakken Holdings

About: These people would do anything to monopoly their time with MC.

Trivia: As the official website is no longer available, I'm only guessing the characters' names. Please do not trust my reading skills.

The doctor, Suou Kazutomo (CV: Hirakawa Daisuke)
MC is a patient seeing her doctor for an injured ankle for wearing a high heeled shoes too often. The doctor mentioned she had been frequent to the hospital lately for various injuries that it worries him. For that, Kazutomo suggests that she would partake a special treatment and stayed at the hospital for a while. He lead her to a VIP room that no nurses or other staffs are permitted to come near, and advised her not to leave the room at all. Feeling anxious as to why such a seclusion for a twisted ankle, MC tried to leave a few times but always the doctor would catch her. He became the only person she met while in that private ward. Kazutomo also said he already called her work to say she will not be coming for work for a long time, but didn't do the same for her family. He explained that if he does, they would surely come to visit her, though he planned on relocating her to a private property of his if someone were to be looking for her. Having all her basic needs like a change of lingerie and slippers being purchased online and delivered to her by the doctor, MC gradually grew scared. She tried to sneak out when he was asleep beside her but he caught her anyway. He told her why would there be a need to put herself out there in the world where she would have to comply to society and the norm; where she was to work herself to death to earn just to live, getting hurt in the process. If she were to submit to him, he would love her all his might and make sure nothing of the world would worry her anymore. MC seems completely convinced by his words that she walked back into the twisted doctor's arms.

The butler, Kashiwagi Yuu (CV: Fujiwara Keiji)
Yuu had been the butler for MC since she was very young, and she trusted him with every single one of her personal troubles. One day, she shared with him her reluctance of an arranged marriage to someone of her father's choosing. Yuu understood her worries and reassured her that he will takes care of it. He asked her to come with him for a car ride but told her not to inform anyone about it. Yuu took her to a secluded vacation house which her family had before putting them on sale many years since. The butler told her that he had been saving his own money to purchase and refurnished the house as close as how it was before, especially in MC's room, which includes her plush dolls that she loved in her childhood. He also reminded her that the area has no cell phone reception, and the landlines are no longer connected. The boundary of the home was walled to separate it from the deep woods. It was then that Yuu told her he has no intention to return her to her family as he desired to have her for himself. He is too much in love with her to let her marry to another man. Though he did say if she truly wanted to, he would take her back. He would then be prosecuted as a kidnapper and would accept any punishment her parents would deal with him, but at the same time, MC would have to accept the arranged marriage as well. After thinking about her options, she quietly agrees to continue being his hostage in the secluded home.

The high-school student, Mano Yuzuru (CV: Shiraishi Ryoko)
I never found this volume. Will update when/if I do.

The manager, Ichijou Touji (CV: Tsuda Kenjiro)
MC is one of the designer for the new line of lingerie her company is going to release, and Touji her superior. They worked closely with one another as there are a lot at stakes for this line. One day at work, he asked MC to come to a meeting room in another level to have her show her sketches for the new line. He commented that though her designs are good, they are not meeting his high standard. Touji suspected that she only see lingerie as just that, while he views them as an important tool to give women an extra boost of confidence and allure. He said some (kinda) sexist lines that means a lingerie is for the enjoyment of men, and that a good lingerie would make men want to see more of what's underneath them (or something like that, don't trust me on this). He had her wear the samples from previously successful projects for the rest of the day so she would see what he meant. As they were riding the elevator back to their office, it stopped suddenly. As if he knew it's going to happen, Touji began to move onto MC, starting with asking her how it feels in the new lingerie. There is a mention that he always had liked her since before, and he began to be physical with her. Touji told her that she could stop him by just pressing the emergency call button, or she would let him have his way and I assume they maybe had sex in there (lol is there no camera installed?). They were finally freed by the service team some time later, with her looking disheveled, and him pretending nothing had happened.

The designer twins, Yoshino Shuuya & Takaya (CV: Namikawa Daisuke)
After being recommended by an acquaintance, MC went to a mysterious fancy boutique that was managed by the Yoshino twins. They explained to her that their store is unique; the designers would provide everything the customer needs as they see fit - be it clothes, accessories, makeups, even the furniture in the boutique itself - not the other way around. Also they mentioned that not everyone can come into the boutique; only the select few from trusted connection would. Though they are twins, they maintain similar facial feature and copy each other's style. Ever since the first encounter, the twins came to like MC and spent a lot of time to pick a lot of clothes and accessories for her. Between the brothers, they said that they would like to keep her in the store as their personal dress up dolls. They told her though a mannequin would suffice their desire to dress someone up, they prefer a living girl to adorn with pretty clothes and do her makeup, whenever they wanted to. They promised her that they will give everything she wants, anytime she needs them. All she had to lose was her freedom outside the boutique. After several persuasions, MC agrees to be their beloved 'doll'.

The editor, Kujou Haruyuki (CV: Miki Shin'ichirou)
MC is an up-and-coming novelist and works closely with her editor, Haruyuki. I actually understand the least from this volume because they used a lot of terms of publishing(?) that I'm not familiar with. All I can tell is that MC and Haruyuki were once lovers, but broke up for some reason. They met again as editor and writer, and I assume what happened was he took her career in hostage by imprisoning her in a suite room of a fancy hotel and had the staff to not come near the room and inform him immediately if she were to come out of it. He had the phone line to be cut off as well as the connection to the internet. He even dropped her cell phone into water to ruin it. All she had to do there was to write, and depend on everything else to Haruyuki. As attempts to have people take notice on her situation, MC secretly put some clues in her writing. Unfortunately, this was foreseen by Haruyuki and he disposes all her hard work of writing by tearing them apart. With that ongoing project trashed, he suggested that she would write about themselves; two ex-lovers reuniting their love, as they spent magical time in the hotel room together. MC is assumed to be forced to comply to his threats.

Final say: I can't believe they slip in a female CV in the series, but unfortunately that's the one volume that's nowhere to be found. I might try to find a preloved copy for myself if I'm lucky for my next trip to Japan. Though I don't know much of Shiraishi because nothing of her works as main characters are those that I'm interested with, but I am very interested with that particular volume. Would the MC still be a female? Is it a yandere shoujo-ai? This is so interesting!!! Well, anyways. I actually do not prefer 'yandere' at all, however I can deal with it if it has nothing to do with sexing like this. And plus, they're not too scary and at least, MC is not physically harmed in any way (can't say about the missing volume though). I think I like the twins most because they're with the least amount of malice. Kinda.

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