Thursday, May 2, 2019

Aroma na Kareshi

Aroma na Kareshi
About: Short "healing type" love stories with various aromatic scents as themes.

Lavender - Fujimori Yuichi (CV: Nojima Kenji)
Yuichi answers to a call for a private tutor for a high school student who aimed to go to the same university as his. He is bad with directions and gets flustered easily. He admired MC's determination to pass the entry exam and slowly found himself falling in love with her, though he never told her about it while he is still her tutor. One day MC told him that she found out the guy she was having crush with already has a girlfriend, and he tried his best to cheer her back up again. Yuichi confessed to her after she saw the results of the exam and that she passed with no problem. In the epilogue, they took a trip to Hokkaido together to see the famous lavender farm there.

Ylang-ylang - Hananoi Sou (CV: Konishi Katsuyuki)
A medical intern, he usually spend so much time at the hospital that he rarely has any time to rest. MC is a third year at his alma mater university. Him being overslept on the day they were suppose to date is a common occurrence. Though MC seems to understand this and lets it slide when it happens. She took the chance to meet him at the hospital where he works and saw how close he is with the nurses, despite being reassured by Sou that he only saw them as working partners, MC can't help feeling worried. Some time later, Sou was very swamped with work and didn't able to get a day off. When he finally did, MC was not answering any to his calls. He saw her walking home from a bar with someone who clearly tried to take advantage of her being drunk. He cuts the person off and took her to his place instead. Then she confessed having feeling lonely for not able to see him for so long, and phone calls and messages are not enough for her. He apologized and promised he would never make her feel the same way again. Their story ended with him gifting her a necklace with their initials and another promised that they will be together even more in the future.

Chamomile - Nojiro Retsu (CV: Yonaga Tsubasa)
MC walked into the beauty salon where Retsu is interning for a styling but was told that the time is too tight for one. He offered for a wash instead with a shampoo that has a calming scent of chamomile. Later in another time, MC saw him in the streets trying to find someone who can be his model so he could practice his skills, but failed to do so. She offered herself instead and there was a funny scene that she made him admit that he has a hair fetish. After many times meeting, Retsu realized that he really liked her and wished to be her boyfriend. A few attempts to gather his nerve, he finally said his feelings, and MC fortunately accepts. However she later came to him looking down saying she had to be in another prefecture for a month for work. She got upset when he didn't even tried to stop her. Retsu explained that he would never hold her back for something that is important to her, and that he is willing to wait.

Tea tree - Yanagi Masachika (CV: Hirakawa Daisuke)
Both members to the same archery club, Masachika and MC is also a new couple. However Masachika is a bit too serious and not very familiar with the trends of people his age. All he knew are about archery, and barely anything else. In order to be a better boyfriend, he tried to take her to a dating spot that a magazine he read said a recommended for couples. The place turned out to be a night club. Though he tried to fake that it was fully intentional, he couldn't take the loudness and the crowd, and had to leave after just a few minutes in there. Later, he wanted to try again but MC was out karaoke with her friends from university. Masachika was upset that she would spend time with other men while drinking, instead of spending them with him. They went radio silence for a while then, and Masachika realized he was being unreasonable. MC returned to the archery clubhouse for practice after some days and he apologized for his selfish behavior. Tea tree is Masachika's favorite scent to clear his mind, and MC said it fit his personality completely.

Vanilla -  Watanuki Kazu (CV: Shimono Hiro)
Kazu and MC lived just right next door to one another, and grew up together as they are of the same age. He always found himself thinking about her in many occasions, even more so as they soon will be graduating high school. This is due to the fact that this would be the first time they would follow a different path from one another. MC is to enter university for a higher education, but Kazu decided to take over the family business of pastry shop. His friends faked their intention to ask her to be their girlfriend just so they would make him realize he had to take the next step if he and MC were to be anything aside from just osananajimi. As the day came that he had to go to the big city to enter a patisserie school comes nearer, he found it to be difficult to face her. But in the end he managed to say that he had liked her from the beginning, and wished they could be lovers. MC was so happy that she cried, making Kazu at lost to what to do. They part after wishing each other to do their best at their chosen path.

Sweet orange - Fukuhara Saku (CV: Kondo Takashi)
A second year high school student, Saku is a member of the art club for one reason; he wanted to be closer to MC, a third year student who has a great talent in art. Unfortunately for him, she didn't respond to many of his tries to woo her, plus they don't share anything else in common aside from being in the same club. MC also always said she saw him like a younger brother. In attempt to find something in common, he lied saying he knew a certain picture book MC read while young that inspired her to pursue a career as an illustrator. He said he didn't remember much of the book but didn't have a copy anymore. MC offered to lend hers and they went together to her house. He commented that the sweet orange aroma she used in the room fits her personality. It turns out Saku had actually read the picture book about a whale in the sky after all. After some time, he went again to confess his feelings for her, and again MC said never see him as other than her kouhai. Eventually after relentless effort, MC accepted his feelings, and they dated. She later graduated and immediately choosing her path to her dreams, though she had her doubts if she would ever succeed. Saku reassured her that he believe that she will.

Rosewood - Yahara Sou (CV: Sakurai Takahiro)
MC is a part-timer at Sou's flower shop and had been working there for a while. Without the knowledge of their customers, MC and Sou is actually dating. At first Sou said he was reluctant to admit that he has a girlfriend to his regular customers/fans, always lying that he is not looking for one. Many of these times, MC would be nearby and within earshot. He knew she's hurting yet he told her his reason is because of their age gap. Although a florist, he didn't like the act of cutting up budding flowers from the stalk just so one could put it somewhere else and let them bloom for their convenience. He felt the same about MC; that to him she is still young and only just starting on adulthood, it doesn't feel right for him to take her for himself, thus his hesitance. Though as time goes by, MC cried for having to hear him inability to say that Sou and she are dating yet again. Sou eventually made up his mind. He gave her 99 roses in a bouquet to convey his message of "eternal love", and promised that he would marry her.

Bergamot - Nashimori Makoto (CV: Maeno Tomoaki)
Makoto is a teacher for an elementary school, while MC, his close friend since university, works at a publishing company as a column writer. They're so close to the point that they already have their stuffs left at each other's place, as they tend to meet a lot for tea. Makoto only saw her as a friend and thought the feelings were mutual. Some of his students saw them near school and began to tease him and his 'girlfriend'. This later made him think of their relationship with one another. Unable to say it out clearly, he only managed to promise that if she were in a position that needs help, he would gladly be the one to reach out for her. Some time later, some of his students were playing at the stairs and fell, Makoto leapt to catch him, only to have his arm and leg injured. Though he managed to reach home safely, he fell at the entrance and could stand up anymore. He thought to call MC to help but hesitant at first since she's busy recently. Though, remembering their promises from before, he decided to call her anyway and she came as soon as she can. At that moment he finally said his real feelings for her.

Eucalyptus - Ariyama Toshiki (CV: Satou Takuya)
A student of medicine, he also heads the volunteer community which specialize in children. MC is one of the volunteer and she had been so for the last two years. She did it to be familiar with young children as she is studying to be an elementary teacher. Aside from in the community, the both of them had few in common, though Toshiki thought he might be feeling something more than friendship with her. However one day, she didn't attend to their meeting anymore, and he began to miss her day by day. She turned up later and said she had to avoid coming because a member of the community confessed to her but she turned him down. She found it hard to face that person again thus avoids coming to volunteer again. Toshiki was relieved and insists on her coming to their drinking party in a few days, saying there would be a lot of people then so she should not be in an awkward position then. However the person she rejected kept coming to bother her and wanted to walk her home. Toshiki cuts in and offered himself to accompany her instead, saying it was his duty as the community's leader. He then confessed he had been falling in love with her, and MC surprised him saying she had been feeling the same since two years ago. She made fun of him being so dense.

Mandarin - Hayakawa Atsumu (CV: Okitsu Kazuyuki)
I never found this volume. Will update when/if I do.

Final say: I love the simplicity of these. Nothing complicated, just soft love stories. The aromatic themes is kinda pointless though. Would have been better if it's more important to the plot instead of just passing mentions.

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