Friday, October 5, 2018

[R18] Bokutachi no Shikaku na Kankei

Bokutachi no Shikaku na Kankei

About: A love square story had started which involved four people. Everyone is related to one another in various ways, and they are all chasing after the person who is chasing another.

Natsume Shuu (CV: Tsuyamaro)
A second year student in a university, he is not very confident in regards to himself and seems to be the pessimist. He is very close to a senior of the same circle, MC1. She told him one day that she is interested into getting to know of another senior, Hisumi. Although Natsume is secretly in love with her, he volunteered himself to be the 'middle-man' to get more information about Hisumi. The other guy later confronted him for why he was being his stalker when he could have asked them himself in person, and Natsume had to tell him it was because of MC1's sake, despite promising her that he will not sell her out.

For some reason, Hisumi called him one day to ask him and MC1 to go on a double date to a nearby local theme park. Both are quite confused why Hisumi did so but Natsume thought that she should take this chance to get even closer to Hisumi. When the day came, Natsume saw that Hisumi's date is his fellow second year student, MC2. However the older guy almost never paid attention to MC1 during the whole date, and this somehow triggers an anger in Natsume. He could never imagined that anyone would be not interested with his wonderful senpai. Hisumi even left them suddenly when MC2 took off due to an unknown reason.

From MC1's side during the double date, she could finally see what kind of person Hisumi is up close, and she confirmed with herself that her initial feelings towards him was not out of romantic interest. After MC1 had a talk with Hisumi, the guy helped her to realize why Natsume was so determined to make her and Hisumi happened. Natsume didn't think a relationship between him and MC1 would ever materialized thus he thought he would be fine seeing her with another man, and would support her wholeheartedly, but that proved to be very painful to him. After hearing Natsume revealed his true feelings towards her, MC1 noticed she had always liked the younger man after all. They dated soon after and much later, celebrated their one year together as a couple at the same park.

Hisumi Keigo (CV: Domon Atsushi)
Hisumi is a fourth year of the same university as everyone in the story, and he is defined as a mood-maker and tends to treat anyone younger than him like a child. He has an osananajimi, MC2, a second year he affectionately called "Pochiko", whom he had been looking out for as an older brother since they were very young. MC2 shared with him that she had a crush on the Natsume, and said she really wanted to confess to him. Hisumi told her that Natsume seems like a person who liked older, mature woman rather than someone as naive and no experience in romance like MC2. He jokingly said he would help her 'practice' how to be more an 'adult' with having her sleeping with him, but got very surprised that she took up the offer seriously and came to his place that night. Hisumi didn't go all the way in the end because of how nervous and scared MC2 was during the whole thing despite trying so hard not to let them show.

The both of them just decided that the 'practice' was a failure yet MC2 still determined to confess to Natsume anyway. Hisumi suggested that he would invite Natsume over for a double date so the both of them could meet casually. From the beginning, MC2 could see how close Natsume was with MC1, and felt like she couldn't compare to her at all. She left them suddenly with Hisumi following behind. MC2 didn't want to see him while she was feeling horrible after facing the fact that she has no chance against MC1 to get to Natsume. Hisumi got uncharacteristically upset when he asked her why she couldn't understand his feelings. The guy is actually in love with her for the longest time, but had to eat his own heart when she told him she liked another, and even wished Hisumi would help her in her confession. He didn't want to be involved with her trying to get along with Natsume but he did so anyway for the sake of not hurting her feelings. MC2 was quite taken aback with the sudden confession that she distanced herself with him for a while afterwards.

MC2 had a talk with Natsume after their class one day, and he told her about him and his senpai. He told her why he agreed with the double date and why he would never expect his feelings for MC1 could ever be anything more than what it is; he could never compare to Hisumi. After talking and realized the truth of the whole situation, MC2 came to Hisumi's place to settle everything altogether. She admitted never noticed Hisumi's feelings but now could see how much he would go for her sake. They made up and agreed to wait until after Hisumi's graduation before MC2 to finally decide whether to give a relationship between them a chance.

Final say: Wow I am not really a fan of love triangles (or any other shapes) but this one I admit was very interesting. The whole drama between themselves were handled very maturely and ends with everyone being happy. Though, to be honest I really hoped there was an interaction between the two MCs but since, you know, they were not voiced, it's pretty impossible to wish for it. I don't think there will be any, but if milky chain decided to do another volume with a new square, I'm not gonna complain. This was a good listen.

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