Tuesday, September 4, 2018

[R18] Tsuioku no Fiancé

Tsuioku no Fiancé

About: A princess was betrothed to the crown prince of a kingdom, but he sadly passed away before the wedding could take place. The kingdom then decided that she will be married to the second prince, Licht, instead.

CV: Sakurai Masato

Licht is the second prince of his kingdom. Anything that he does, his older brother would prove to be far superior to him. This manifests a type of complex in his personality which made him cold and unapproachable, also a bit bitter and cruel. MC is the first prince's fiancée and it seems that aside from their marriage was purely political, MC and the first prince had shared real romantic affections towards one another as well. Licht spent the whole time while they were together just watching with envy from behind. He wished one day he one take her away from his older brother, just to spite him. When one day the first prince died of a unmentioned cause, MC was automatically engaged to Licht, while at the very same time he would assumed the title crown prince. He thought he finally had his revenge.

Aside from not getting the love of MC, Licht is also being critically scrutinized by many people of his decisions in ruling. As he wanted to know how the people is faring, he took MC to the streets in a disguise of a commoner, and that is where he heard them doubting him to ever lead the kingdom as well as the former First Prince had promised to be. All of this adds more darkness in his heart, as he felt that no one could understand what he was trying his hardest to do.

In MC's side of the story, she was devastated by her former fiancé's death and at first would not honestly accept her new husband. This is because Licht only pretended to be nice to her in public but in private he is very rough and mean. He only ordered her to do things with cold voice. After a scene of Licht attempting to rape her due to be invoked by his anger of constantly doubted, she avoided meeting him by secluding herself in her room. Licht came to apologize one night and he admitted all he had been trying to do by himself, as well as his true feelings for her. He had fallen in love with MC since the first time he met her but she was unreachable then as she was his brother's fiancée. He could only watch them being happy together from behind and wished he could make her happy as well. He swore he will not hurt her anymore and that he will never approach her if it's not required by his official duty.

There are two ways their story would end in the tokutens. The first being MC finally understands Licht's feelings and they married and led a happy life. They were granted a son soon after. The second being a rather dark end. Licht knew he could not change MC's mind to accept him so one stormy night, he went to the first prince's grave and dug out his coffin. He took the insignia ring (a gift from MC) that was buried with his older brother and went to MC's room. MC, blinded by her own misery and longing for her first love, could not tell that the ghost who embraced her in the pitch black of the night is anyone but the first prince himself. Licht said in a monologue that he would do absolutely anything just to keep her happy, even if that means to grant her dreams full of lies.

Final say: This was the first time I saw the importance of them tokuten tracks. It really adds more depth to the drama and I'm absolutely in love with the tragic love triangle(?), and I don't really do love triangles. At times I felt Licht didn't deserve MC, but at the same time I felt sorry for him to a degree. Also, I really didn't realized this was Sakurai's works. It was only after I learned a little bit more about drama cd that I finally got back to this one and got very surprised. I had thought this was Sawa Manaka this whole time??? Aaaaaa I really want more emotional story heavy titles from Sakurai but there's just too few to choose from currently.

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