Tuesday, September 4, 2018



About: Due to various circumstances, MC had to spend a night with a guy alone together in his house.

Natsuhi (CV: Nojima Kenji)
A son of a rich man, Natsuhi is a new classmate in MC's class and sit right beside one another. Him being just recently moved into Japan, also for some reason had to live alone, unfortunately did not know much about any skill to sustain himself such as cleaning and cooking. He is also very new to the country and what is the norm among his peers. He noticed MC was looking through a part-time wanted list and Natsuhi offered her to be his maid while his usual one had to take off work for some time due to health reasons. MC accepted and she took care of his meals also accompanied him to show him around town. Being a stereotypical Rich Kid, he casually asked to buy an entire aisle of clothes when she answered she can't choose one when he offered to buy it for her. She also preferred to keep the fact that she working for him a secret from school to avoid creating unnecessary rumors about them, which confuses Natsuhi. He failed to see such a fact should be kept a secret at all, nor why would such 'rumors' be such a problem. Eventually, the previous maid could go back to work again and as it was in the initial agreement of MC with Natsuhi, her job will end and they will be back as normal classmates again. Natsuhi changed his mind and let her know that he had fallen in love with her and wished they could now be lovers instead. 

Araya (CV: Okamoto Nobuhiko)
MC and Araya grew up together and until middle school, they were schoolmates. They eventually went to a different high school and Araya joined his school's archery club. After some years not meeting each other, they met again when MC was chasing a lost pet rabbit that wondered in the streets. Araya used that circumstances to reconnect with her and let her keep the rabbit at his place while they found the owner. At the same time, he had some bad blood with her school's archery club due to a previous friendly match they had before, and got into a fight with them one day. MC came to see him recovering from the wounds and he felt bad for making her worry so much. All the while they were together again for the lost pet rabbit, he was sure of the feelings he had for her since middle school was real. He confessed, and as it was mutual, they decided to became lovers. They went together to return the rabbit to its owner in the end.

Kunimitsu (CV: Kimura Ryohei)
Both MC and Kunimitsu used to go to the same middle school together, with him some years ahead of her. They met again one day and realized that MC still joined her school's band, while he had stopped his after enrolled in a university. He offered her to practice her flute at his place since it's an old building with not that many tenants, so making a bit of a noise there wouldn't be a problem. Students even used to come and practice music there all the time before. She asked about his grandparents who raised him but he told her that they had both passed. It's now only him in that large but old apartment. As MC kept coming to his place to practice due to her upcoming Winter Music Festival, she was told that the old building will soon be demolished. Kunimitsu said he is fine with it, since there's nothing but memories left. The building is falling apart anyway. He asked her to stay for a night on the last day he was supposed to move and at that moment he confessed he had always liked her and wished her to be his girlfriend.

Hyoma (CV: Eguchi Takuya)
Hyoma is one of the disciplinary committee and one morning stopped MC as she was coming to school late. Because she is a repeat offender, he told her to live with him at his place for a while as 'punishment', to train her proper use of time. Hyoma initially assumed she was tardy because she spent too much time socializing after school and came home very late. But while her timetable was under his tight scrutiny, he noticed that's not the case. MC actually spent too much time practicing her lines for a play with her classmates. By then he let her off his 'punishment' but eventually went back there when she asked Hyoma to take over the leading male role since the original cast caught the influenza. She had to ask him since he had been her practicing partner for some time and already knew some of the lines. After the play had been performed successfully, Hyoma finally confessed to MC that he had feelings for her and would like for them to continue as lovers. 

Rintaro (CV: Toriumi Kousuke)
Rintaro is the science teacher as well as the class teacher of MC's. I am skipping this one, sorry.

You (CV: Kishio Daisuke)
Although one year behind MC, You is a classmate of hers due to him skipping a year, yet he still calls her 'senpai'. His family is not well off but he still lives separately from them in a very small apartment in a very old building. He also worked part time at a live house as the general staff there that takes care of ticket counter, selling drinks, cleaning, and etc. He sometimes performs music there too. One night when he was about to perform, there was a loud screaming and all the guests rushed out to see the commotion. It turns out there was a robbery nearby but the suspect had escaped. He saw MC nursing her feet by the streets, saying she was caught in the sudden mob of people, she got her ankle slightly twisted. He took her home to take care of it. Due to the scare of the robbery suspect still at large, You offered to walk MC home from her part time at a bakery whenever she had a late shift. She shared with him her paranoia that she felt like someone had been following her lately and they managed to see the stalker, a masked man with spectacles. One night You caught him stalking MC again and decided to chase him. The masked stalker was the robbery suspect, but for some reason (I don't quite picked up why), was stalking MC. The robbery suspect threatened You with a knife but the police showed up before anyone was hurt. He took the time to confess his attraction to MC after the whole thing was over and hoped he could protect her again as her lover next time.

Final say: Well... if they spent more time with the plot, this would be a great series. Most of the romance here just began out of nowhere and without much... drama. It's not really that satisfying nor believable for an aro like me. But STILL, they're cute and pretty unproblematic - except Rintaro side, but that's just me and my Complete Taboo Against Teacher x Student pairing - so... If you need something light with no headache of emotional stress, this is for you.

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