Monday, August 6, 2018

[R18] Noble Lily

Noble Lily

About: Two sons of Duke Walden family, and their own personal revelation on what is romance.

Trivia: The mentions of the lily flower is present in both volumes but they're not much of a significant to the plot.

Vincent Walden (CV: Yotsuya Cider)
The second son of the Waldens, he is notorious for being frequent to bars and brothels. Because he is not the heir of the Walden family, he seems to have his way however he wanted to, with no one to tell him otherwise. The head of the family had requested him to settle down but he seemed to ignore them. Vincent is naturally cheerful, and gifted with strong self-esteem. One day he saw a girl selling "flowers" in the streets at night (i.e; prostituting) and got immediately attracted to her. He spent a lot of money to buy her and took her home. MC was completely unaware of why he gave her a bath, a good meal, nice clothes, and even a room of her own. Vincent then explained he bought her for his own personal amusement; to teach her the pleasures of the body, as well as to teach her how to be a lady. Although at the same time, he did not stop with his casual relationship with other people. This continues for some time until MC got to talk to him about himself.

Vincent told MC that he did not believe in the honesty of love, due to his own parents' situation. His mother never loved the Duke and had secret lovers of her own. She vanished after the birth of his brother, Bernard, leaving only a letter telling she did not wished to be found. Seeing how unhappy they are made him believe he, too, will never find happiness or love, and thus will never seek them. MC decided to try to change his mind so she challenged him that she would make him fall in love with her, but with one condition; they will not have sex nor kiss, until one side admit defeat. Vincent amusingly agrees but soon drew himself away from MC. Thinking he might have gone bored with her, MC packed her stuff and said she wanted to go back to the streets where she was working, since he did not need her at all. Vincent stopped her and explained he was not absent because he was seeing other people, but instead was inquiring about her background. MC had told him she was a daughter of a noble but the family fell bankruptcy and the monastery where she was to be taken care of, unfortunately destroyed (for some reason I can't really pick up). She was then sold to pimps instead. The night when she and Vincent met was her first night selling "flowers". Vincent was secretly trying to prove the authenticity of her lineage so there would not be any opposing parties if they were to marry. To which, he admitted his defeat and proposed for her to become his wife.

Bernard Walden (CV: Katou Itsuki)
The youngest son of the Walden family, he is described to be playful and love to tease. He was betrothed to a daughter of another noble family and they both had known each other since they were very young. At first, the two young couple only regarded each other as 'someone they are to marry with when they reach adulthood', and nothing more than that. However, in secrecy, MC had always liked Bernard thus every time she could, she would come to the Walden manor to spend time with him. One day, Bernard took her hair ornament and ran away with it within the manor. MC chased him to Vincent's room, but when they heard Vincent and his fiance was coming in, they hid in the closet. Unfortunately for them, the older couples began to have sex, and they witnessed the whole thing from the their hiding spot. They could only returned to Bernard's room when they were finished. Curious, he asked MC if they could imitate the same thing, and thus they shared the first intimacy together.

Bernard took a liking of them having sex, began to ask MC to do it whenever he can, so long she was within the manor. MC questioned why, hoping he would admit his real feelings for her. But to her dismay, Bernard simply said it's because she was available and willing. She ran away frustrated, after he introduced her to his cousin in a social gathering as 'just a girl his parents decided he would marry' and that they were nothing more than that. Bernard found her sitting alone in the garden and felt bad seeing her cry. He then worked really hard to admit that he liked her. He had always fond of MC, not just as a childhood friend, but as a lover. He just had the hardest time to properly say it in words. After they made up, he promised that he will go to his father, Duke Walden, and ask to officially marry MC as soon as they can.

Final say: I love this because I enjoyed the little drama. I kinda wished it was twice as long instead. They could have made their problems to escalated even further and both couples separated for a certain amount of time, and eventually made up. Yes, I have a HUGE thing with nakanaori lol. And for some reason, I felt like this series should not have stopped at just two characters. Where is the first son? There's also a cousin character named in one of them, Alfred. I thought I'd find his volume but currently Snowdrop stopped at just two??? WHY??? Although, nowadays seeing a few series getting a new announcement of new volume, I'm really hoping we'd get at least one more of Noble Lily as well.

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