Sunday, October 21, 2018

Hakozume CD

Hakozume CD

About: Situational CD with a theme of being confined or boxed in together.

Trivia: I just realized that they forgot about the Knight in that picture lol.

Knight (CV: Toriumi Kousuke)
One day a princess of a kingdom was abducted by some villainous people, intended to carry her in a wooden box out of the border. Her personal bodyguard tried to protect her but got overpowered and shoved into the same box in order to stop him from sounding the alarm to other knights. They were carried at the back of a caravan straight towards the enemy's soil. While stuck in the box together, they shared some talk about how they met. It was when they were much younger at the castle, where his father has some business with the high ranking officials of the country. He witnessed some guys who attempted to capture a little girl who was in the garden alone. The hero stepped up to save her and succeeded. He was very flustered when he learned that the girl is the princess herself. He was later given the position as the princess' personal guard when he rose to knighthood many years later. The princess had always liked the knight ever since that day, but the knight insisted that she shouldn't as the ranks between them are just too far. She demanded him to confess honestly what he felt for her and somehow, even after refusing a few times, promised he would do so if they manage to be free of the box. Soon, their kingdom's knights caught up with the kidnappers but from the struggle, the box was hurled out from the caravan and smashed on the ground. Thankfully both the princess and the knight were not terribly injured because of it. As promised, he admitted that he had fallen in love with the princess. He swore that he would do everything in his power to keep her by his side from that moment on.

Vampire brothers (CV: Miki Shin'ichirou & Okamoto Nobuhiko)
Two vampires was practicing their magic in a certain field quite ways from the nearby human town before MC happened to unknowingly walking towards their direction. Lead by their natural instinct to prey on human for their blood, the younger brother used his magic to create a closed space to capture her. However he made a mistake and confined all three of them together inside the closed space. The older brother, Leonhart, is quite the polite gentleman that he asked nicely to MC if she would allow him to drink her blood, and that he will let her go after she does. The younger Lutz, all giggling and laughter, said he is 'too young' yet to drink blood but he played the most part in trying to convince the MC to submit. She later told them that she was there in the field to pick some flowers to sell in the flower shop she's working at when they asked why she was there alone. The brothers pointed out that her employer is quite cruel to have her come all the way here alone, but MC disagreed. She only had praises for her employer who had helped her in many ways before, especially after her parents died when she was still young. She was trying to find rare flowers to sell so she could help their failing business. After a long convincing, MC lets Leonhart to drink her blood, just so they would let her free and be rid of them. Unfortunately the brothers had grown attached to her by then. They trapped her again but this time to force her to accept to be their bride.

Fox God (CV: Morikawa Tomoyuki)
While a Summer Festival was taking place nearby, MC entered an old shrine for some reason (I can't get the details). Inside, she was greeted by a youkai who claimed to be the Fox God, though it took her some convincing of his claim like showing her his four fox tails and fox ears. MC was scared at first when he didn't let her out of the shrine after he appeared, but the Fox God said he only want company to speak with for a while, and that he swore to send her on her way after he's satisfied. They talked about a lot of things like her school, where she lived, and her curious belongings that she explained to be a 'mobile phone'. He was very interested of the many uses such small things could do such as communicating, reading comics, and etc. The Fox God told her he'd always been very fond of human and once met a young girl sheltering from the rain near his shrine, a long time ago. He and the young girl spent some time talking and really enjoyed sharing their stories together. He liked her so much that he asked the girl if she would spend the rest of her life with him, and to which she nodded yes. They were supposed to meet again some at a certain time but she never showed up. Only later he heard that she was married to another man in another village, probably because her family would never agree on her having a relationship with a youkai. MC cried for the Fox God for his story, though he apologized that he didn't tell them to make her sad. He eventually lets her go and asked if she would return if she wants to. One cold winter, he was delighted to see her again in front of his shrine.

Magician (CV: Shimono Hiro)
Both MC and the magician have known each other since children, and they both goes to the same magic academy inspired to be a magician. The guy had always been in love with MC but she always refused him for some reason, but he never gave up in trying to make her accept his feelings. One day, as they were arguing as usual, the guy cast a confining spell as she was trying to ran away from him after refusing his proposal to marry her. At the same time, MC cast her barrier spell to counter it. This two spells coming together created a closed space with the both of them inside and none can undo them. They had no choice but to wait for MC's mana refilled so she can try to cancel her spell. While confined together, guy took his chance to ask MC why she never accepted him. He said he had tried everything to please her, but she never considered to rely on him. MC tried to explain that he was the one who never considered her feelings at all, forcing his selfish ego on her and expect she agrees with everything. While in the confined space, the guy gradually becomes more anxious. She asked why, but he couldn't admit that he has a fear of the dark. He could only calm down when he held on to her hand, to which they did the whole time. Guy then understood that she didn't like him being so forceful when she told him why she wanted to be independent and not relying on anyone else; she was saved by him as a child when she went into a dark cave as they were playing hide-and-seek. Because it was dark, she couldn't find her way out anymore. Guy, worried for her not showing up long after that, went into the cave. He fell and got hurt quite bad, yet he still braved on to find her. That was the exact moment when he decided that he will protect her all his life, but unfortunately manifested his fear of the dark. MC, at the same time, determined that she will become stronger so she will not let him walking into danger for her sake. The confining spell was undone eventually, right after they made up.

Takiguchi Shoutarou (CV: Kimura Ryohei)
Shoutarou is very popular in his school as a member of the football club, and the most admired student due to his cheerful personality. Though he has many girl fans cheering him whenever he plays, he always said he's not good with them. While in fact, he is secretly in a relationship with MC, a classmate of his. One day she found him sleeping in the sports equipment's storage but immediately decided to hide in the vaulting box when they heard other people are coming in and their secret of currently dating would be exposed. Unfortunately the students who came placed random things on top of the box they're hiding in and briefly trapped them together. In later scene during their school trip, Shoutarou sneaked into the girls room to meet his girlfriend and hide under her futon. He said he was quite disappointed he couldn't walk with her and took pictures together, but instead had to pretend they didn't know each other. Another separate day, Shoutarou stayed late to finish up a homework he had to submit and asked MC to teach him. As usual, they hid in the locker when someone else was coming in. Shoutarou knew it's just a matter of time before people found out about them but MC insisted that they kept it a secret. She said she's not good being at the centre of attention, especially when she's dating the school's most popular guy. In the end, Shoutarou managed to promise her that he will make sure nothing troublesome will ever happened to her if she lets him make their secret of being together be known to his friends. The story ended with the two of them openly received among their friends as a couple.

White Rabbit (CV: Eguchi Takuya)
While chasing her escaping cat, MC fell into a hole and found herself in another world in a certain house. A white rabbit guy greeted her and mentioned that this was the second time she came there, yet MC claim to have absolutely no memory of her previous experience. He told her to drink the Mystery Drink and have her body shrink so she could fit into the unusually small door to outside. MC drank too much and became too small. He told her to eat the Mystery Cake to make herself big again, but this time ate too much and became too large. She eventually managed to shrink herself to desired size but somehow the both of them got trapped inside the Mystery Drink's bottle. The bottle tumbled down a hill and fell into the ocean below. At first, they tried to escape immediately but a griffin was hunting over the sea nearby. So instead, they waited until the bottle drifted to shore. Once on land, the White Rabbit suggest they would go into the forest to find a certain mushroom to fix their body size to original. After a scene of them finding the Madhatter's tea party and getting into a teapot of tea to hide from someone, MC told White Rabbit that some of her memory came back. He admitted that he was the one who erased her memory the last time she was there because he didn't want her to be sad whenever she thought of him. The first time MC was there in Wonderland, she got into a fight with the Red Queen and won bravely. She and the White Rabbit had fallen in love with one another by then and found it hard for her to return to her real world and leaving him there. That was when White Rabbit erased her memory. He never thought he would see her again, yet he still waits for her near the portal to her world. However, this time around, he refused to repeat the same thing. They concocted a magic potion together so there will be another portal from Wonderland to her world. Their story concluded with him giving her world a visit so he would meet all her family and friends, and to announce that she is his lover.

Final say: I usually don't like situational CDs because they lacks continuation, but I like this series nevertheless. The characters are likeable, the CVs are great, and the stories are pretty interesting, despite being a bit too situation-y. My favorite would be the vampire brothers and Shoutarou, though the vampires - also gives the most creepiest vibes btw - being the only one ended with not a good ending for the MC.

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