Sunday, October 15, 2017

[R18] Arashi no Ichiya

Arashi no Ichiya
嵐一夜 -アラシノイチヤ-
[One Night in the Storm] 

Ver.2.0 Because the last time I was really lost in the style of the language used. Now I got back to it again, with a slightly better understanding of Japanese, I noticed I was mistaken with a lot of the plot. 

CV: Chasuke
Story is basically about two strangers; a dude who is a traveling samurai and girl at first said she was separated from her "friend" who also has all her belongings. They shared shelter from the heavy rain in an abandoned barn. For whatever reason, the samurai dude wanted some 'rubbing' to... IDK, fill the time? (also her pubic hair??? please tell me I heard that wrong!!) In between them sharing the skin contact of one another, he told her that though he is a samurai now, he was from a family of farmers. He's quite honest and pretty kind to a stranger like MC. Whereas MC eventually revealed that in truth she wasn't separated from her friend, but rather ran away(?) from her stepmother while her father was away. With no money and no place to go, she was just supposed to wander around until she can find someplace to work. Samurai dude tried to help her to introduce her to a restaurant he used to work with that he thought the owners might sympathize with her, but she said she'd be fine on her own. She later asked him to take her virginity for p0rn reason to prove that she can be strong, in which even the samurai guy also can't understand why she said that.

Both was supposed to part the next morning but the guy felt like she's putting up a tough exterior for nothing. He understand she wanted to be stronger by herself to face her bad fate but he stopped her when they were about to part. He told her that he had fallen for her and offered to be his company in his travel, so that she would never feel alone again.

Final say: IDK I kinda expect more for some reason (since I really like Chasuke, this dude can act very well) but this one didn't do much for me. There's not enough story for me to enjoy, and the whole 'two complete strangers happened to have sex' is not really my type of thing. Though I like how kinda tough MC is despite having the whole world against her, also the guy was honestly and genuinely cared for her although they were basically strangers.

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