Saturday, October 28, 2017

Hime no Kazoku wo shoukaishimasu!

Hime no Kazoku wo shoukaishimasu! 
[Let's Meet with Hime's Family!]
marine page

About; MC is a 5 year old girl, affectionately called Hime (lit. Princess) by her two much older brothers and her Papa. There's no mother-figure, though she was mentioned once or twice with no significance.

Vol.1 Masaharu-oniichan (CV: Satou Takuya)
Masaharu is a university student and the story started with him picking Hime up late from daycare. This babygirl mentioned she was scared the bad witch would come and take and eat her up if he's any more late. He asked her what made her believe that, and she told that's what she heard from the fairy tales the daycare teachers had read to the class (which turned out to be a mix of Cinderella and Hansel & Gretel tales). On the way home, they talk a lot more about the fairy tales she knew and somehow their talk lead to the decision to try to make a castella cake inspired by a certain fairy tale together. He mentioned their dad own a bakery just next door to their house but the brother decided not to bother him and wanted to make it themselves.

They spent time in the supermarket to which a little scene Hime fell after running in excitement to show Masaharu the aisle to find the ingredients they need, said she knew where because she's been there before shopping with Papa. Hime surprised him by showing she could already read katakana. She asked for a snack as well and chose one with a tiara as the toy gift. Hime gave him a kiss on the cheek as thanks and Masaharu was a bit troubled of how she learn such a thing. She said a teacher in her daycare taught them (for some reason) and she told him she kissed a boy named Minato. Masaharu is torn between if it's okay to be jealous of a 2 year old.

Back home, they started to the castella making right away and baby Hime then made a mess and tried to lie her way out of being scolded but oniichan calmly taught her to be honest and owned her mistake. When it was the supposed time for the cake to be ready, Masaharu realized it didn't turned out right and thought it needed more time in the oven so he took Hime for a little walk to the convenience store to distract her. He told her she can wear the toy tiara she just bought if she wanted. After some discreet help from the Papa via texts, Masaharu successfully baked a castella to which Hime happily eat as supper. They spent some time watching the supermoon and Masaharu reading to her the fairy tale of Kaguya-hime before bedtime.

Vol.2 Touya-oniichan (CV: Masuda Toshiki)
A high school student, the second elder brother is a bit mellow compared to the older brother, but he is a gentle oniichan as well. He taught the little sister a lot of interesting things and would try to explain all her questions as best as he could to have her understand. This volume also started with picking her up from the daycare, but a bit too early. Hime was playing with the sand/dirt and got her clothes all dirty. This led to her being scolded by her teachers since they told her not to play in the dirt anymore because she had already dirtied her other change of clothes from spilled yogurt. Thankfully, she has another change of clothes and the teachers helped to rinse off the dirtied ones and bag it for her to bring home.

Touya asked to carry the wet clothes for her and said them being wet must have been heavy, but Hime repeated someone told her that people should 'carry your own weights', to which Touya was quite surprised by, but he asked to carry it for her anyway. Hime told told him to ask for her hand like a prince would when they want to cross the street. Touya wasn't about to play along at first but he did so anyway when he assured none of his school mates would saw them in that area. He asked her if she wanted to be a Princess when she grew up, but she answered that she wanted to be a baker like their dad instead. On the way home, they bought some snacks and ate them while walking - something their dad would definitely be against of but they swore to secrecy.

Later, the dad messaged him to go uwagi (jacket? sweater?) shopping so they spent time in the shopping mall choosing what color she wanted. He asked why she needed a new one when she already has some back home, but Hime repeated from their dad saying she didn't fit baby sizes anymore; she wears kids' size now. He took notice of how fast she's growing and Hime asked if he and their dad will grow taller as well. Touya explained that adults will not grow any more after a certain age, while he himself wished he could grow at least 10cm taller. Hime wanted her jacket in white color because it is the color of the fairy tale princess's dress she liked. Touya managed to discouraged her from picking a color that could be dirty easily.

At home before bedtime he read her an animal encyclopedia. I'm personally amused with the whole scene of him explaining a komodo dragon is only named so, and that it can't fly or breathe fire. They also talked about Hime wanted to join a music class to play the piano I think, and he helped her search for one nearby. He promised to ask their Dad about it the next day.

Vol.3 Akihiro-Papa (CV: Hirakawa Daisuke)
This Papa's story started with watching the animal show on tv together and the babygirl said she'd never seen a giraffe before so they decided to go to the nearby zoo the next day, just the two of them since the brothers will not be available. Papa was a bit confused when she said she never seen the animal since he's very sure they had been to a zoo before as a family trip, then he remembered it suddenly rained that day and had to cut the trip short. The parent-child trip managed by her daycare was to the aquarium and Hime said she didn't like it there because it's dark. She asked why it needs to be so dark and Papa explained that some marine animals lived so deep in the sea that it's mostly very dark. He told here some land animals also prefer the dark, and that they're called nocturnal animals. Hime asked for a kyaraben of a baby bird she saw in a book for their trip and Papa said all the ingredients were in their inventory so they made the bento together the next morning.

In the zoo, they went to see the owls and Papa reminded her that they are one of those nocturnal animals he mentioned earlier. Then they saw the hawk and eagle (I think, or something similar) and Hime asked if the smaller one would grow up into the larger. Papa, laughing at her baby-logic, explained that they won't because they're different species. She also believed a monkey would grow up into a gorilla as well. Papa asked if she thought cats would grow into tigers, but Hime kinda defensively said no because if cat's grew into tigers, then there will be a big problem everywhere lol. They arrived at the giraffe's place and Hime was amazed at the creature. She asked how something so big would find a futon just as big to sleep on and Papa explained animals, especially wild ones, don't need a bed to sleep, that they're used to sleep on the dirt or grass.

Later there is a scene with Hime walked off from the Papa as he was figuring out the map of the zoo to where the tigers and lions are. Hime actually saw the sign to them and went on her own but got scared by the roaring animals. She then noticed Papa is nowhere near and started to panic before a staff tried to help her. Papa came running to her all worried soon after. Hime cried and Papa reassured her she's all right. They went shopping at the souvenirs shop then; an animal print socks for Masaharu, a koala hat for Touya that matched with her bag, and an animal printed badge for Papa. Papa was trying not to laugh so much thinking how Touya would look like with the hat on.

On the way home on the bus, Papa mentioned he missed being a dad to young children (like pampering them, going to the zoo and camping etc.?) but since his other two boys are much older he couldn't anymore. Earlier, he said his boys grew up too quickly. For instance, before, Touya was so scared of ghosts and the dark, he couldn't go to the toilet after lights off. But Hime spilled the secret that Touya still scared of them, that he would turn on all the lights in the home - even those in the first floor - whenever he wanted to go to the toilet. Papa was a bit glad that at least his son still has at least some of his adorableness left in himself. Missing the days he could babied his children again, Hime's birth it was like a dream come true for him.

Final say: Goddammit this is too freaking adorable I might have popped an artery in my head just trying not to scream so much. Too adorable. I might have died and came back to life many times while listening to this series. I really like this concept and I would really love it if there's more like this. Please make more of something like this!!!!! I've listened to all three volumes so much I've practically memorized every single lines already!!!

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