Sunday, March 3, 2019

[R18] Yatoware Hero no Nichijou

Yatoware Hero no Nichijou

About: To the public, they are Heroes that many admired. But in the private with their lovers, these three men is nothing alike the characters they represented.

Barry (CV: Sawa Manaka)
As the Main Hero, Barry is played the part as the charismatic and very energetic character. He is very popular with the kids as well. In private with his girlfriend, he's basically not a motivated individual, and honestly not very good handling little children as they seemingly has boundless energy and enthusiasm. He and his girlfriend had been together for a year and she frequents to his home to take care of him, as he tends to ignore many chores.

She noticed Barry was hiding something from her because every time he gets a message on his phone, he would deliberately avoid her from seeing it. One night, Barry was called in for a job but he forgot his phone as it was left to charge. He later came back home and saw her puffy eyes and visibly upset. She showed him a suspiciously flirty message from someone named Angela that he received on his phone. Barry tried to explain that Angela is a [masseur?] who had been helping him to relieve the muscle pain on his legs due to the required use of a jet-propelled boots for his Hero work. He didn't tell MC about it because he didn't want her to come and see him performing in them. When MC asked if he was having an affair with Angela, he denied, then later told her that Angela is actually a man who uses a female pseudonym for his work. After the whole thing was cleared, both Barry and the girlfriend realized their relationship is actually much deeper than previously thought. They made up and continued as a loving couple.

James (CV: Amano Haru)
James played as the Villain at his job, who is evil and always strive to defeat the Heroes, Barry and Bell. Although to the public eye, he is Villain that's always cruel and likes to do bad things, in actuality James is very sensitive and has a tender heart. He cries for a dog on tv because it was wagging its tail in happiness too fast.

Being the wife of a Villain was kept a secret as much as they can, but James knew it must have been hard on MC. They can't walk in crowded places or easily goes for a holiday for their delayed honeymoon. MC found him sulking alone at a park one day and he said a boy tried to share his candy with the Villain James, but because he is the Villain, he shoved the candy away saying a Villain does not eat candy. The boy ran off from him and that James was hurt knowing he might had hurt a child's feelings. They managed to find a day for a holiday together and that's when James said he wished to quit being a Villain, saying he didn't fit the job. But later his boss (I think?) sent him a picture of a fanmail he got from a boy. The letter said he is sorry for giving him candy since that certainly didn't fit a Villain's character. Next time the boy said he would give him something spicy instead. The boy also said he always admired James the Pirate Villain. With that, he changed his mind of quitting and would continue to be a role model for kids.

Bell (CV: Yaibaryuu)
As a Sidekick to the Hero, Barry, Bell played the part of a "little devil" type of character who always dresses so cutely. In private, he is actually very matured, reserved young man who speaks very politely. He is always the one who takes care of everyone. His girlfriend is much older than he is and they had been together for half a year.

Because of his habit of taking care of people, his girlfriend felt like there was nothing she could contribute in the relationship. Bell would come often to her home to cook her dinner but didn't let her help with anything. Bell didn't even want to share her the recipe of his signature Butter Curry Chicken. MC tried to offer to clean his home in return for his care, but was kindly refused. Being the elder, she felt a bit useless in comparison. Which is why she jumped at the moment when she heard he had a fever and had to stay home for the day. When he is well enough, she shared her insecurities with Barry and he apologized for making her feel that way. He explained that because he is much younger than she is, he felt that he should do a lot more to show he can be an adult. They later agreed to not push themselves over nothing again and just enjoy their time together as lovers.

Final say: I think this is a cute series... though I still can't tell they're really a Hero or just playing in a costumed show for kids. The back story for James and also that scene in Barry's where he was called in for a job in the middle of the night, so... they're really Superheroes??? I'm not sure. Ugh milkychain needs to release new series because no other labels put forward more cute plot in R18 drama CDs than they do.

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