Thursday, January 3, 2019

[R18] Kyokugen Joutai RE

極限情態RE -Ruins excavator-
Kyokugen Joutai RE -Ruins excavator-
About: Two rival archeologists went in to investigate a previously undiscovered ruins.

CV: Tetrapot Noboru

MC is an archeologist whose life pursue is the Zuiunjou (not sure if this is fictional) and the myth of the supposed gold and treasures that was buried with it. One day she met with a lead to the ruins and decided to go and confirm it with her own eyes, but despite her attempts at keeping it a secret, her rival found out.Yamashita Satoru is not the type of person MC would trust entirely, yet he gives a good argument that it would be much safer if they both go together. He also offered a peace-off and he also mentioned that he knew she had just recently ended a previous relationship. Though still wary, MC agreed to team up with him and went further inside the ruin together.

The ruins were built with numerous traps to stop raiders, but MC said the clues to where the traps are was hidden in a lullaby(?) that was inherited to her from her previous generations. Satoru said he had always suspected MC to have something to do with the bloodline of the gold treasures. Her name surfaced when he researched the family tree of the Zuiunjou. MC even inherited the unique key that opens to the treasury of the ruins. There were indeed the legendary gold inside, but unfortunately for the both of them, there was a cave-in soon after and the entrance was blocked, trapping them there.

Thanks to their emergency supplies, they managed to survive a week inside the ruins with only the hole high up above them to light the surroundings. Satoru used the chance to confess his desire to marry her, and that he wished to replace her ex-boyfriend and help to forget about him. They spent the week in each other's embrace as both to satisfy their own feelings and trying to forget the whole dire situation they're upon. They both noticed they had grown thinner and weaker by the days, with their food and water supplies will eventually exhausted.

Finally, after tirelessly trying to get someone to respond to their SOS through the portable radio they have with them, Satoru said help is on their way. As they waited for the people on the other side to break through the collapsed wall, MC mentioned that they don't sound or look like a typical rescue team. Her suspicion was proven true when Satoru took a gun and pointed it at her. He said he had a deal with some shady mafia people to find the legendary gold treasures and only needed her to lead him to it. Betrayed, MC had no choice but to brace herself to be killed by him. However in a turn of event, Satoru double-crossed the robbers and a gun fight took place. The vibrations caused another cave-in and the entrance to the ruins was sealed again. He took MC with him and they managed to run away from their pursuers.

Satoru managed to explain to MC that he was working undercover to infiltrate the mafia while they were heading to safety. Unfortunately, there were more of the enemy waiting there for them. He ordered her to run while he fight them off, but she came back when he was shot at the shoulders. He tried to tell her that the part where he said he was working undercover was another lie, just to get her to leave him, but MC was not buying it. He gave up and let her help.

After 5 years since that incident, they were still together. Satoru proposed to her again as the last time he did was made while he was still manipulating her. This time, she accepts.

Final say: There's actually a whole lot of details I didn't quite get due to the words used here not of those I am familiar with. That said, this was a great freaking upgrade from the first in the series. The previous one was... pretty silly (though I only listened to Zero Gravity once and forgot about it as soon as I was finished. It was not that memorable.) This time, there was a twist and I kid you not, I actually made noises when I reached to that double-crossing scene. I sure didn't see that coming! But I have to kinda admit, MC being able to trust him again after he just betrayed her is just plain stupid. I would love for her to make it a point that she will not put up with him anymore. He did just threatened to kill her. Then again, she took 5 years to accept his marriage proposal so... that's good enough, I guess.

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