Saturday, May 19, 2018

[R18] Tousei Kimono danshi Koi tsuzuri

Tousei Kimono danshi Koi tsuzuri
[Present Day Kimono Men's Love Spell]

About: Love stories with guys who would wear kimono in regards to their job, or just their general preferences. In other words; 'traditional' men in modern times.

Takaya Kirito (CV: Yotsuya Cider)
MC met Kirito while she was admiring the flower arrangements in a wedding ceremony she attended, and he told her that they were his work and glad that she liked them. Kirito is from a family teaching the traditional art of tea ceremony but he also does flower arrangements. MC mentioned she used to do tea ceremony class when she was little but stopped soon after. Kirito gave her his name card in case she is interested in picking up where she left off. She gave his family's home/school a visit another day and had a one-on-one lesson to refresh what she remembered from the tea class she had years before. Later Kirito received a call to invite him to a formal tea ceremony/party. He asked MC to accompany him and add that he will be giving her guide to put on a kimono. As they spent time together, it became apparent that they both are having strong feelings towards one another. Right in the end, Kirito asked MC to come to his other estate (I assume, didn't really catch the specific details) and MC remembered it as the place where she had her lessons back when she was a child. Kirito admitted to have recognized her from their meeting at the wedding but was not expecting more than just feeling nostalgic, despite him saying he had always liked her since childhood. He said his memories of playing with her in the gardens was one of his treasured one, and meeting with her again and spending time, changed how he felt about her. He said he could no longer imagine a life without MC anymore, and the feelings are mutual, thus they became lovers.

Igawa Kaoru (CV: Kashiwagi Homare)
Kaoru is a novelist and MC is his new person in charge to be directly communicating with him in regards to his works. MC is also a fan of Kaoru's novels but this fact was not disclosed in the beginning. Kaoru expressed his worries if his fans were to meet him in person, it will destroy whatever image they have of him. Honestly, I don't really get many of the things that happened in this volume, perhaps because of the terms and words they used (I assumed they're regarding publishing and/or writing) are not what I'm familiar with. The story peaked when it seems that Kaoru began to avoid her, but MC was determined to face him. They confessed both were having attractions to one another. After a night together, he whispered to MC's sleeping face that he was grateful for her, and that this will be his farewell. MC's role as Kaoru's publishing personnel was replaced by another soon after. When they met again, Kaoru explained that (aside from that issue I just can't understand what it was), he had fallen in love with MC from the first time they met. She admitted feeling the same and they made up.

Itou Kousuke (CV: Teradake Jun)
One night in the rain, MC went into a small traditional style restaurant looking for a hot meal before heading straight home. There she met Kousuke who was about to close shop but after a good look at MC, he invited her to sit and cook her a meal. It took a moment for MC to finally recognize him as one of her classmate back in school. They talk a lot about their memories together and he said he always remembered her compliment on his tamagoyaki; saying it's the most delicious she ever tasted. Kousuke shared his story that he was following his father's dream of opening and managing his own restaurant, and thus why he started materializing the dream. He was a bit surprised to hear that MC lived very close by. Since he was about to close up and didn't have enough ingredients left to make her favorite tamagoyaki, he asked her to come again another day. He ended up teaching her how to make her own tamagoyaki the next time she paid a visit at his restaurant. Some time later, she came to his restaurant to see it closed because Kousuke had gotten a fever. MC made him some food to feed him but he got touchy and began to kiss her. He realized what he had done and apologized and asked her to go home. Soon after she came back because he called to want to make things straight. He confessed he had always liked her since they were kids but when he found out MC dated another guy back in high school, Kousuke thought he was never her type so he decided to ignore his feelings. MC also said she liked him as well but since he never said anything, she never hoped much from the possibility of them getting together. Knowing their feelings had always been mutual after all these years, they made up and became lovers.

Final say: Yeah, here I am again with the series with not that deep of a story, right? But I like this nonetheless because, maybe due to the 'traditional' men theme, I can really be relaxed with them. Nothing of any extremes to give me unwanted emotional stress; just slow and gentle approach to romance. Aside from Kaoru's story that somehow I had a hard time understanding the plot, they are all good little stories. My personal favorite is definitely Yotsuya's. He really hit me hard right at the kokoro whenever he played the gentle guy. I really can't ever resist him when he played that type of characters.

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